Chapter 5 girls day out 

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Authors notes
Here's the next chapter of my boomer girl fanfiction. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote in review.

I only own my crazy imagination. None of the characters belong to me...

It was now morning time, and Bailey was starting to wake up to notice that bubbles were lying next to her. She didn't want to wake up the power puff, so she quietly tiptoed out of bed and into the hallway.. she could smell breakfast from a mile away.

The professor was cooking the girls, favorite pancakes downstairs and decided to make their new guest some pancakes as well topped with fruits and hors d'oeuvres.  Blossom pancakes with strawberry with whipped cream on top.. bubbles preferred blueberry pancakes with blueberries on top. Lastly, Buttercup enjoyed chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate chips on top as well as some peanut butter and syrup...

Bailey had walked into the kitchen to find the Professor laying everyone's breakfast on the table.

" Good morning Bailey!" he greeted in a cheerful voice, " you're just in time for breakfast. I made the girls pancakes and I didn't know if you would like any of the three that they prefer.. so I just gave you one of each to try and see which one you like the best, and help yourself to the fruit on the table as well."

"Umm thank you, Professor," she thanked him as she was getting ready to take her seat at the table.

The girls soon had all woken up and Blossom and Buttercup didn't notice that the bubbles part of the bed was emptied from the night before. They were going to question her on it, so they decided to question her at breakfast.. the girls got ready and their signature uniforms and made their way down to the kitchen.

"So bubbles... Where were you last night?" I asked Buttercup as she was taking a bite out of her pancake.

" Well Bailey got up in the middle of the night and I went to check up on her. She seemed scared to be sleeping alone so I decided to be nice and sleep with her for her first night here.," Bubbles replied as she was eating her breakfast.

The girl soon turned to look at Bailey, to which she had a look of fear on her face. They didn't understand and felt sympathy for the poor girl, and decided to just leave the issue alone...

"Do you know Bailey? It's funny how you kind of look just like bubbles. I mean you have the same big blue eyes as her but you're just wearing a different type of outfit.. and let's not forget the hair as well," said Blossom as she was studying the new girl.

" Your eyes also kind of look like bubbles Rowdyruff's counterpart boomer. It almost seems like the boys had decided to create a sister to spy on us or something.. but they're too stupid to do that," Buttercup, replied, as she continued to eat her pancakes.

Boomer immediately got annoyed but decided to shrug off the matter because he did not want to blow his cover. Meanwhile, outside his two brothers were coming to check up on him to make sure that Boomer didn't slip up.. the two boys quickly hid behind the bushes by the front door and waited for their brother to come outside.

" Well Bailey, since you have superpowers, I suppose we should do the honors by letting you take a tour around Townsville," said Blossom as she was putting her dishes away in the sink.

" You can fly, right?" Asked butter cup.

Bailey nodded her head, yes, and slowly levitated above the ground. The girls felt even more suspicious because normal girls wouldn't normally float unless they had superpowers like them.. they decided to not question Bailey about the matter any further and just decided to get ready for their flight.

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