Chapter 2 the plan 

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Later that evening, in the power puff home. The girls were settling down to get ready for another night of sleep.. blossom sat on the edge of her bed with her hair brush and hand to comb her hair before bed. Buttercup was in her corner, punching her sack of meat, and muttering to herself about the day's events.. bubbles was sitting at their table coloring another picture that she had drawn and hopefully, she could hang it up on her wall just like the others. She was also cradling her plush octopus Artie. And telling him about the events of the day...

" Girls it's time for bed," called the professor as he was making his way upstairs.

" OK professor," they called back. The girls had finished what they were doing and quickly hopped into bed and their order.. bubbles being on the right with her blue strip of blanket. Blossom is in the middle with her pink stripe of blanket.. lastly, Buttercup is on the left, where her green strip is a blanket.

Before going to bed, Buttercup dashed into the closet and grabbed her special blanket. She would always whisper to it before going to bed that she was a good fighter.. she believed that the blanket was special, and would give her the ability to fight in battles.

The professor came upstairs and kissed each of his girls. Good night...

" Don't forget to leave the hall light on for bubbles," Blossom called to the professor as he was heading out the door

He did so embed them farewell and shut the door to a slight jar just enough where the light from the hallway would reflect into their room, but only to bubbles side of the bed. And with that, the girls soon fell asleep and drifted off into dreamland...

Meanwhile, on the far side of town

Deep in the woods and fuzzies shack reside, the rowdy, Ruff boys. Butch was sitting in his rocking chair, trying to contemplate the day as events.. boomer was still trying to figure out what the banjo was, and how to play it. He talked and pulled on the strings until it made a noise.. the noise, however, was ear-piercing to the point where his brothers told him to shut up.

Meanwhile Brick was trying to figure up strategies as well as a new game. Plan on how to once again destroy the power puff girls.. he realized that every time he formulated a plan it would soon fail. He needed to be just as smart as Blossom would be, and beat her at her own game.. then he came up with the best idea that could work and not fail this time.

"Butch... boomer... " he called " I have an idea on how we can destroy the power puff girls."

" What are we going to do this time??" Ask boomers with curiosity

" We're going to spy on the girls and figure out their weaknesses. Once we have the information that we need, then we will easily be able to destroy them at their weakest moments.," Brick replied while trying to explain his plan.

" Well, how do you suppose we will be spying on the girls, and who will be going to do it??" Butch asked.

Brick didn't get that far with his plan, but then he had a better idea.

" do you guys remember when that blonde power puff sissy came and disguised herself as Boomer?" he questioned.

The two brothers nodded their heads and confirmation, and they soon realized what their eldest brother was hinting at.

" One of us will be going undercover as a girl and will sneak into the home of the power puff girls. Then they will spend, however, long it takes to find the girl's weaknesses and report back to us," he explained.

The two brothers just nodded their heads until they realized that one of them would have to dress up as a girl. Of course, neither of them wanted to do that because it would be very embarrassing and humiliating, but they wanted to make sure that their plan would be set in stone...

" Well, who will be the one to go dressed as a girl?" The green-clad boy asked his eldest brother.

" Well play rock paper scissors for it. Whoever loses will have to be dressed up as a girl for a day.." Brick replied

The three boys gathered into a circle and each went against each other, playing rock paper scissors. After several minutes of repeating the game, Boomer was the one who lost.. unfortunately for him, he would have to become a girl for a whole day and go spy on the power puff girls. Just going to the girls' house alone. Had brought back many bad memories to him, but he had no other option...

Brick nor butch knew anything about being girly side, so they went to none other than their demon father down in his Lair.

" Well hello, boys! How can I help you with your uninvited presence??" Asked him

" We need to make Boomer girly and we don't know how to do that," the three answered

The demon lobster then showed the boys a special store in town, called Claire's as well as Victoria Justice and the Justice Store and Victoria's Secret. They're The boys would find many things girly that all girls would wear.. he also advised them to follow a girl around to see what girls do daily. Of course, the boys didn't want to do that, but they knew that they had to dress Boomer like a girl for their plan to work...

After thanking their father for his cringing advice, they flew through the ceiling and went to all of the girly stores in Townsville.

So, here is chapter 2, and I hope you guys enjoy the story so far. I may have read a story like this with this plot line on Fanfiction, but I am taking inspiration from Bubble Boy... I do not own any characters from the classic PPG. I wish I did, but I don't.. Anyway, see you all in chapter 3, and thanks for reading!!

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