Chapter 15: Don Giovanni

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Marianna's POV
It was supposed to be a quiet Sunday morning. I was supposed to sleep in and wake up at noon. My plans evaporated into thin air when I heard several cars in the driveway. Upon waking up to check, I saw armed men. Gio is at the helm of them.

Hurrying out of bed, I went out to ask him what is happening.

"I'm going to war" he said. "No one comes to my home and disrespects me" he said.

He wouldn't listen to reason. He is still angry about Sinclair showing up and threatening him. While I said nothing, knowing very well my error in the whole ordeal, Gio took it personally. To me, that was a husband protecting his wife. It doesn't get sexier than that. I saw a man she should be with. Perhaps I was wrong to try and strain their marriage. I owe her an apology but I have to will myself to actually apologize. I'm just stubborn like that.

Not being able to get Gio under control, I have decided to call on Nate. There is only one problem. Nate wasn't here when Sinclair dropped in. Nate doesn't know what Gio and I know. I can't guess how he will react.

"Nate! Nate!" I burst into the bedrooms breathlessly. He's packing a bag. He wants to spend some time I Greece with his mother.

"What is it Maria?" His eyes expressed immediate concern.

"It's Gio... daddy has gone mad with rage! He won't listen to me... armed men. He has armed men."

I know my family has strong mafia ties. I lived through it. I know the men Gio is with live for carnage.

"Why?" He approached me at once in quick strides.

"Ay! Dio! Per favore, don't get mad at me and don't overreact-"

"What is it?"

"Sinclair was here yesterday. He threatened us."

"Why would he do that?"

"I tresspaseed into his home-"

"Maria! Why would you do that? That's criminal!"

"Ay! Don't reprimand me! We are all criminals in this family! Mine is as innocent as it gets! Gio wasn't happy, he punched Sinclair. He was worked up and he hasn't simmered down. Please talk to him."

Nate narrowed his eyes at me and crossed his arms on his firm chest.

"All this is about you tresspassing? Hold on. Why did you trespass?"

"Because... Nate, don't throw a fit. In fact, don't do anything with this information. Gio is mad because Sinclair said we are not allowed anywhere near his family. You see, the twins Keira has, they are ours. Not Sinclair's."

"Again with this? I told you to leave Keira alone!"

"I'm not wrong about it because Bea and I saw it! We saw it for ourselves!"

"You dragged Marc's wife into this? What is wrong with you?"

"Are you listening? They are Nick's babies! The boy looks just like Nick! The girl is a total Bale with blonde hair and pale blue eyes like her father!"

Nate has no immediate response. His arms fell to his side. He looks stressed. I waited a moment for his response.

"Say something."

"Have you told Nickolas?"

"I can't! He will ruin her life all over again!"

"This is messy." He walked past me. I chased after his long strides with my little ones. He stepped out of the house, walking quickly towards my father. "Don't do it. Whatever this is, don't do it."

The Sinclair Series Book #2: Mrs Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now