Chapter 7: Conviction & Doubt

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Theo's POV
The hardest pain I have ever endured is the loss of my parents. I was young and I did not fully understand what it meant until every birthday and every Christmas after that. The loneliness became real. My caregiver, was a cold Russian mobster who frowned at anything he deemed weakness; especially those moments I would lie on my mother's bed and cry. He didn't understand that I missed human affection. The servants treated me like their master and not a child. Freya's visits weren't enough. The hardest pain I have ever endured is the loss of my parents.

This is why my heart bleeds for Kei. She lost everything all at a ho just like me. When I heard about it, my heart broke a thousand times for her and the urge to take care of her kicked in full throttle.

My sweet Kei...

Today she's going to be my wife. I almost cannot believe that I'm marrying the most beautiful woman in the world.

I may have convinced her that there will be no love between us but the truth is, my heart if fickle on the matter. Perhaps I'll fall in love. Who knows? It's a big risk to give her my heart when her heart is with Nickolas Bale.

Nickolas Bale...

He doesn't know when to stop. He called her thirty two times. The maid responded the same way thirty two times. He's madly hot for her. Who wouldn't be? He lost his chance. It was his own doing. I cannot be blamed for it. If he really loved her, he would have fought harder. Fickle bastard.

"I find myself wondering who I would miss the most between Courtney and the Colonel." My best friend took his spot beside me. We are both looking at the portrait of my parents. They look regal.

"I'm thinking you will miss the Colonel."

"Why is that?" His green eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Because Courtney can make hell freeze over." We both burst out laughing. "Is she coming?"

We started to make our way down the blue carpeted curved staircase.

"She said she wouldn't miss it for the world. She wants to see her marrying you."

"Is it really that unbelievable that Kei and I are marrying?"

We walked out through the front doors into the parking. There are no cars here. I didn't want to see cars around my house. They are in the lower compound near the wedding venue.

"Honestly, yes. It's not that there's anything wrong with you. It's because of the lovesl story she shared with Nick. Bets have been placed."

"What kind?"

"She will run away. She won't show. Nick will wreck the wedding."

"Count me in on that bed. Fifty thousand, she will be my wife by day's end."

He smiled crookedly and ran his hand through his curly hair. We have that in common but he mostly keeps his short and tamed.

"I have known Kei for a while now." His expression hardened. "She is a dear friend to me. You came into her life at a moment when she was vulnerable. You became the strength she needed. Thank you. Please Theo, I beseech you not to hurt her. Please don't hurt her."

"I don't intend to." I assured him.

There are only twenty minutes left to the wedding. As Bruce and I carried on to the venue, I ran into her uncle. I get a sense that this man doesn't like me.

"Good morning! May I steal the groom?" He asked Bruce.

"Certainly. Excuse me." Bruce left us.

"We haven't really spoken as much as I had hoped. Our introduction was last minute and that is okay. However, regardless of how long we have known each other, I feel obligated to speak on behalf of her dead parents. Do not disrespect her. Love her. Provide for her. That's all."

The Sinclair Series Book #2: Mrs Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now