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Theo's POV
It looks like Keira and I are already making all the headlines and our relationship isn't even a day old. We were photographed at the airport on our way out of New York. Her hand was safely tucked in mine. The caption reads "Keira Ballard snugs a new billionaire." It breaks my heart that they think she's a gold digger. Keira cares very little for money. I know the only reason she agree to my plan is because she wants to forget the hell Nickolas has to out her through.

"Monsieur Sinclair, we are approaching Marseille. Please buckle up."

The seat beside me is empty. "Where is Keira?"

"In the washroom. I'll get her."

"Never mind. I'll do it." She has been throwing up ever since she boarded. I think the pregnancy is taking it's toll. I want to be accepting of this baby but I also have reservations. It's Nick's, my least favorite person in the world. He may not want it now but years down the line when he comes to his senses he will lay claim. I don't want to love something I will have to let go of.

She is bent over the toilet in the most unsightly form anyone would wish to be seen in. Yet, all I feel is compassion for her. Compassion is not part of my default settings. I only feel it for her. The rest of the world can go to hell. I gently gathered her long dark hair into my hands. She looks paler than usual, with her nose a little red.

"Theo..." She whispered with her hand on her stomach. "...hi."

"Hello ma chérie. How are you feeling? Do you feel unwell enough to warrant a doctor's visit?"

"It's just morning sickness."

"Pardon moi ma chérie but it's not morning. You have been throwing up since we left New York. Ten hours spent in and out of this bathroom. You need a doctor."

I gathered her into my arms and hot her to stand on her feet. I cleaned her up with some wet towels.

"I don't want the attention." She sighed and rested against my body.

There's something about her that makes me want to protect her. I want to fight fiercely for her as her champion against everything that dares to threaten her. By extension,I want to protect this baby as well. I rested my palm firmly on her flat stomach.

"Ma chérie, like it or not, being Mrs Sinclair makes you the center of attention. Get used to it."

The Sinclair Series Book #2: Mrs Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now