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I rolled my shoulders back and clicked my tongue as right on time, just as Tempest had said, two people adorned in the same bubbly suits stepped out of

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I rolled my shoulders back and clicked my tongue as right on time, just as Tempest had said, two people adorned in the same bubbly suits stepped out of...well nowhere and began walking through the sand. "And they do this every day?" I asked quietly as if I thought they could hear me from where they were.

They were far enough that they shouldn't be able to but I could never be too sure. "Twice a day," Tempest replied, her brown eyes focused on them "Always in groups of two, never stay out for long. Every day they come out, open that-

As if in time with her words the two in the distance crouched over a random portion of sand and dusted it off before lifting what looked like a metal door. "-, Do whatever they do there and leave," She explained. I tried to stretch my neck to see what they were doing there but they were both crouched in a way that gave me only their backs.

After a few minutes, they stood up again and kicked sand over it before leaving out of the same random opening they had entered from. "You'll have any idea what they're doing there?" Astra questioned.

"Not a clue, I found the latch but for the life of me I couldn't get it open," She admitted. Astra nibbled on her nails as she watched the people kick sand over the latch they were working over before walking away from it and disappearing into the random door that opened up for them again.

I got to my feet and dusted off my pants "Have you ever tried when it's already open?" I suggested. She quickly grasped onto what I was implying and shook her head.

"Maybe it's just me but the odds of a two against one are quite risky."

What she meant was she didn't want to risk getting caught again.

"Well there's no time like the present," Astra got to her feet as well "At least we've levelled the playing field a bit more."

Tempest snorted "As if you'd be any help chained together like that," She raised an eyebrow at her "You also seem to be forgetting your broken hand."

Astra waved her off "I don't need two hands to inspect whatever's in there."

I eyed her cast "But you will need both if we stand a chance against them in the first place, we would be stupid to assume they don't come out with weapons," I glanced down at our torn and dirty attire "And we're not exactly dressed for the occasion."

"I have some spare suits that I've collected over time, not exactly in optimum condition but they should help," Tempest offered, "But all weapons I've stolen from them have either run out of battery or..." Her cheeks darkened "I couldn't figure out how to use them."

Astra frowned "Where are they now?"

"Why would I keep something I don't know how to use?" Tempest asked, "I don't exactly have space to gather useless items, I barely use the furniture I have now."

"I noticed your bed felt a bit flat," I tilted my head "You don't sleep?"

"I don't need to sleep," Tempest corrected, "I get the majority of the things I need for energy from the nutrients in the air, soil-

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