Johanna's Surprise Guest

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Hermione had planned to spend the rest of the afternoon reading up on powdery substances that could cause skin ailments on the ears of elves, but her study session was cut short by the sound of the phone ringing. As far as she knew, only she and Harry had Draco's number, so she decided to answer it. Her hello was greeted by Ginny's voice
"Hi, Ginny. Is something wrong?" Ginny's voice had sounded a bit panicked. She heard a relieved sigh on the other end of the line.
"No. Well, yes, er, maybe," Ginny said. "Ron's MIA. George said he didn't show up to work
today, so mum went to visit him at home but he's not there either. I got worried that he'd gone oft
to see you. But it sounds like you haven't seen him?"
"No, I haven't," Hermione said, furrowing her brows. "Harry hasn't spoken with him?"
"They're not speaking at all at the moment," Ginny replied. "Harry's furious with him, after the big V-day incident. And, predictably, Ron's angry that Harry took your side. Anyway, Harry's off on Auror business right now. I've been tasked with tracking my brother down in his stead."
"When was the last time anyone saw him?"
"Saturday, I suppose. After you left him with mum, we all gathered at the Burrow for a sort of intervention. He got angry and stormed off. George just said he needed some time to cool off, but we're not sure if he's gone home since then or if he's just been ignoring our calls."
"Oh dear," Hermione said, biting her lip
"Don't spend one minute worrying about that prat, Hermione," Ginny said stoutly. "He's not your problem anymore. I was only calling to make sure you were alright. But if he's not there and you're safe, don't bother yourself about him. He's probably just off moping somewhere."
Hermione knew Ginny was right, but something nagged at the back of her mind.
"I'II let you know if he tries to contact me," Hermione said.
"Please do," Ginny said. "Actually, call our mum instead. I've got to be heading out soon. One of the Harpies is having a baby shower tonight."
"Ooh, who's having a baby?" Hermione asked curiously.
"Wendy and her wife, I think her name is Yolanda. I've only met her once, but Wendy's over the moon about the pregnancy. Apparently. it's a bov.
"Give her my congratulations." Hermione said with a smile
"See, that is an appropriate reaction!" Ginny said suddenly. "Mum only asked me when it would be my turn to host a baby shower! Ugh. We've only been married for a few weeks and she's already asking me what I'm going to name her grandchildren."
Tell her you're going to name your first daughter Pigwidgeon. That might give her pause."
"Excellent idea! Brilliant as usual, Hermione. Alright, I've got to go. Give Draco a kiss for me!" Hermione's mouth popped open in shock as the line went dead. For a moment, she simply stood in the sitting room, limply holding the phone and wondering what on earth Ginny had meant by that.
Eventually, hunger led Hermione to the kitchen. She poked about the under-stocked cupboards, pulling out a few things for supper. It was obvious by the state of his kitchen that Draco relied
heavily on Ignoma for household tasks. At least he managed to keep things clean on his own.
She hoped Draco and his parents would be alright, but the cold echo of the sleek penthouse became unbearable almost as soon as he had gone. She filled the empty silence of the huge flat with the cheerful sounds of sizzling food and music from her little wireless radio. Crookshanks watched her curiously as he sat on one of the kitchen stools, tracking her as she danced around the kitchen in Draco's shirt, singing along to a Kizzy Hart song. When she fed the cat a bit of salmon off the fillet she was frying, he nearly swallowed it whole.
By the time Hermione had finished her supper. she decided to return to the book she had been reading on elfish magic. As she went to switch off the wireless, a familiar voice sounded from the speaker, stopping her fingers.
"Hello everyone and welcome back for another episode of The Shocking Truth! Hosted by yours
trulv. Johanna Wolcroft!"
Hermione froze. Was it Wednesday already? Reeling, she looked around her, as if a calendar
would pop into existence at the thought.
"For those of you who managed to tune in for our new Monday night time slot, I'm so happy to have you here! And for anyone unlucky enough to have missed it, this episode will be airing once more on Wednesday night at our previously scheduled time," Johanna explained. Ah. Harry hadn't mentioned that when she'd asked him about the episode she had missed last week.
"Today we have a very special guest joining us here in the studio-and you'll never believe what she has to say! Truly, I was gobsmacked when she told me her incredible story! My listeners are in
for a real treat today! But before we introduce our wonderful guest, please listen to a briet message
from our sDonsor
As Johanna launched into a boisterous recitation of an advertisement, Hermione picked up the wireless and brought it to the sitting room, settling down on the sofa. Perhaps she should turn it off and ignore Johanna's show from now on, but morbid curiosity kept her fingers off the dial.
"Ever since I started using Flint's Finest, my spellwork has been cleaner and my enchantments are more powerful," Johanna bragged. "Plus, my wand has the most gorgeous gleam- I get compliments about it practically every day!"
Crookshanks came to sit on Hermione's lap as she listened with half an ear, waiting for Johanna to finish up with her sponsor's message. She scratched the cat's ears obligingly, trying to relax the knot that was building inside her gut in anticipation of what Johanna would have to say this time. It would be her first episode since the article about Johanna's jealousy of Hermione's engagement to Ron had run in the Prophet, and she had a terrible feeling that Johanna would not let that issue lie.
*use it on broomsticks, cauldron handles, and a variety of other things! Their patented formula is enhanced with special magic to provide long-lasting protection and power. Try Flint's Finest Wand Polishing Pomade today, and if you order from their advert in Wizard World Daily, you'll receive
a tree travel-size tin, perfect for....
Draco would probably be too busy to listen while he was away. She wondered if she should take notes as she listened, just in case she heard something he would have wanted to hear. Summoning
her little notebook, she wet a quill and waited for Johanna to continue with her show.
"Alright folks, as I said, we have a very special guest with us this evening! For the very first time ever, we have an elf joining us she's the former employee of Draco Malfoy, who, if our listeners remember, became the youngest Death Eater in history, and one of the only followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to walk free! Please welcome Ignoma the house-elf!"
Hermione's brain stopped.
"Hello, everybody!" chirped a high-pitched voice. "Ignoma is very grateful to be speaking to Ms.
Wolcroft's listeners this evening!"
All air rushed out of Hermione's lungs. Wide-eyed, she gripped the wireless, trembling as she listened to the voice that was unmistakably Ignoma's. Her head began to swim as she waited with bated breath for Ignoma to speak again. Surely, surely it couldn't be her.
"Let me tell you, it was such a shock when you turned up on my doorstep the other day, Ignoma!
And what a story you have to tell! Ignoma, why don't you start off by telling us why you're here today, instead of with Malfoy?"
"Ignoma is here because Malfoy is a bad man!" she cried out. "Ignoma left Mr. Malfoy's employ of her own free will, because Ignoma could stand it no longer!"
Hermione was beginning to feel dizzy.
This couldn't be happening. What did she mean, Malfoy is a bad man? None of this made sense, not her appearing on Johanna's show and not what she was saving.
It couldn't really be Ignoma. Even if it sounded exactly like her.
Draco. She needed to tell Draco.
But she had no way to reach him. He would be in the hospital now, comforting his mother and waiting to see his father. She couldn't just show up there, and she certainly couldn't miss anything Ignoma was about to say.
"My goodness! Johanna exclaimed. "Those are strong words, Ignoma. And I thought you had gone missing? Isn't that what the papers were saying, that elves were turning up missing?"
"Indeed, madam, but the papers is wrong!" Ignoma exclaimed. "We elves is leaving our jobs for better ones, Ignoma included!"
"Intriguing," Johanna commented. "And why is it that you say Malfoy is a bad man? What has he done?"

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