Arrival at the Ball

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Chapter Notes
Chapters 11 through 14 take place at the ball. I'll be uploading once a day.
The steps of the stately country manor had been charmed to cause each snowflake to vanish the moment it made contact with the stone. Draco eyed the sweeping steps, trying to assess whether he should ascend them or simply leave.
Many crumpled letters adorned his writing desk at home, all filled with useless, pathetic pleas for a second chance at an opportunity he shouldn't have wanted in the first place. In the end, he hadn't sent a reply to Hermione's letter. He didn't know what to say.
Despite the dashed plan to escort her, he was still invited as an official sponsor of S.P.E.W. He would simply have to steer clear of her tonight. Of all of them, come to think of it.
Making his decision, he joined the other guests as they walked up the stairs, following the golden light of the many arched windows ahead of them like the beacons they were.
Draco had to hand it to Hermione-she could organize a ball. Even his mother would be impressed by the splendor of the ballroom he found himself in. The high ceilings were sparkling with golden stars that seemed to float slowly around the room above them, casting a dreamy glow around the room. Towering Christmas trees adorned with candles and crystalline ornaments had been placed around the edges of the room, along with tables laden with information about the various charities and items up for auction. Among the guests, platters of floating drinks and hors d'oeuvres circulated without assistance, allowing people to graze as they mingled. At the far end of the room, a low, half-moon stage supported a string quartet which was playing a soft ballad Draco vaguely recognized.
The turnout was excellent. Although the ballroom was massive, the large doors along the sides of
the room had been thrown open to allow the crowd to spill out onto the balcony. Draco was sure that area had been charmed to stay warm as well, judging by the lack of snow beyond the doors.
He felt a tap on his elbow and turned to find a tray of champagne flutes had come to serve him.
"Bugger off," Draco muttered with a scowl, pushing the champagne away. Miraculously, none spilled, though it did bump into another guest.
"There's no need to be rude to the drinks, Mr. Malfoy!" someone said in a chortling voice behind him. "They're only doing their job!"
Draco turned to face the speaker. Dressed in a velvet tuxedo with strained buttons stood someone he had not seen in years.
"Professor Slughorn?" he said.
"Nice to see you, dear boy!" Slughorn said, reaching out to shake Draco's hand. "I'm surprised to see you here, I daresay! Not gatecrashing again, are we?" he joked.
The unwelcome reminder of the Christmas Party he had been embarrassed at in his sixth year set
Draco's teeth on edge.
"I'm a guest this time," he said smoothly, keen to change the subject. "How's Hogwarts?"
"Oh, it's fine, dear boy, just fine," Slughorn said. "Old McGonagall's got it all in hand, of course Although, none of my current students are half as talented as your classmate Harry Potter was! I was astonished to hear that he didn't go into potion making!"
Draco scanned the room, looking for someone else to talk to. He should have brought a date, he realized belatedly. Getting through tonight without a buffer would be hell, he could already tell.
As Slughorn prattled on about his favorite former student, Draco happened to spot exactly the
person they were discussing.
Near the stage, Harry Potter was standing with the Weasley girl on his arm, talking to-god almighty, was that Hermione?
Draco's eyes nearly fell out of his skull.

She was swathed in a tight, dark red dress, one that pushed up her chest and showed off one of her legs through a high slit. Her soft brown curls had been swept to one side and pinned into an elegant cascade over her shoulder. She was laughing at something, probably some stupid comment of
Suddenly, Draco realized he was craning his neck, staring at her. Slughorn followed his gaze and lit up with delight.
"Why, there's Harry now! I should go and say hello, wouldn't want to be rude....
" Slughorn said,
excusing himself to shuffle over.
There was a large Christmas tree nearby the three people across the room. Perhaps if he slipped behind it, he would be able to hear what they were saying.
No. He stopped himself. He should stay away from her. She needed space, and he had to respect that. It wasn't as if she was going to see him, light up with delight, and rush into his arms. She wouldn't proudly announce to the room that they were there together. And she certainly wouldn't be touched by the gift he had brought her, the one he had shrunk and tucked into his pocket with foolish hope.
Another tray of drinks hovered in front of him.
This was going to be a long night.

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