Griffindor Complex

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Hermione wished she had brought Harry's invisibility cloak with her. Midgen's shop had very few places for a full-grown human to hide. At least that meant that whoever was trying to get to Midgen would also have a hard time hiding in her shop.
Midgen, thankfully, was alright when Hermione arrived. She had been shaken up since the previous night, when the magical alarm she had set on the back entrance of her shop had tripped.
Heartbreakingly, Midgen seemed to think her girlfriend might have been the one to set off the alarm, despite there being no proof that Millie had been anywhere near the shop in weeks.
Hermione understood Midgen. The desperate wish that your loved one was trying to come back to you was something she had seen over and over while investigating the elf disappearances.
Unfortunately, Hermione had severe doubts that Millie had been the one to trip the alarm. For one thing, if it had been her, then why had she left again before Midgen could come down to find her?
It was more likely one of the perpetrators of the kidnappings.
Tell me again what happened, Midgen," Hermione asked.
Midgen had come over to check on her after finishing up with a customer. Hermione had gone over every inch of the shop and the surrounding street with her wand, scanning for anyone or anything suspicious. She'd found nothing so far.
"It was around one in the morning, madam," Midgen recounted. "I woke to a loud buzzing sound, of the kind that happens when Midgen's enchantments at the doors and windows are set off. It was the back door, madam, to the rubbish bins. Midgen grabbed a knife to protect herself, then she popped her head out the door to see who had set off the alarm, but there was no one."
"Are you sure it wasn't just a stray animal or something that set off the alarm?" Hermione asked.
Midgen nodded gravely.
"Midgen is absolutely sure, Ms. Granger. Her locking enchantments are only set off by people who is trying to get into her shop!"
Hermione would have to take Midgen's word for it.
"Wouldn't Millie have known how to get in without setting off the enchantment?" Hermione asked, trying to keep her voice kind.
Midgen shuffled her feet uncomfortably, scratching one of her ears.
"Perhaps she is forgetting how, madam," Midgen suggested.
Hermione let the matter drop. At least Midgen had grabbed a knife before looking for the intruder.
She didn't completely trust the door.
Midgen scratched at her ear again. Hermione's eyes narrowed, spotting something.
"Midgen, are your ears alright?" she asked.
They seemed redder than usual. Could she be developing a rash?
"Just an itch, madam. Midgen is fine."
A skin ailment of the ears. Ignoma and Topper had both complained of something similar.
"Don't go see a healer for it, Midgen," Hermione advised. "If it gets worse, contact S.P.E.W. and we'll help you. Alright?"
Midgen looked taken aback at the terse instructions, but she nodded nonetheless.
Hermione went to examine the back door once more, looking even more carefully this time. The bright light of the morning had faded as heavy clouds rolled in, causing Hermione to decide to light her wand for a better view of the area. It couldn't be a coincidence, the ear illness that had been bringing the elves into the healer's office. There had to be some evidence.
Stepping back, Hermione noticed a slight discoloration on the ground. There appeared to be a light dusting of a powdery substance around the back door of the shop. It was so minor, Hermione might have missed it if she had not been looking for it.
She was in the middle of a complex substance-identification charm when she heard a voice inside the shop--a human voice. Hermione paused her spell to listen for a moment. The voice was slightly familiar.
" looks uncomfortable, my dear. You should have it checked out, and soon," the man was saying.
Curiously, Hermione peeked through the back door of the shop, just enough to catch sight of the person speaking. Inside, Midgen was at the low register, listening to a man in light robes and rectangular spectacles. Hermione's stomach dropped as she recognized him.
Healer Selwyn.
"I specialize in elf health in fact, that's why I came today, to ask you to let your customers know.
There's an infection that's been spreading lately, one which affects the ears. It won't clear up on it's own, I'm afraid. You'll need to come in for testing and a remedy," Selwyn said.
Hermione could barely breathe as she listened. Selwyn had come to advise Midgen to come in to see him. He knew, somehow, that she had been infected with the strange ear rash.
"If you don't do anything about it, it could spread and start to affect your hearing," Selwyn said.
Hermione held her breath, trying to hear Ignoma's response over the pounding of her heart in her
"Oh...thank you very much, sir, but Midgen is going to get help from S.P.E.W.!" Midgen proclaimed. "Ms. Granger is a good woman, sir, a good woman who cares about elves! She will make sure Midgen's ears are put to rights!"
Selwyn's eyes narrowed.
"Granger told you that? What, today?" Selwyn said suspiciously.
"Yes, sir!" Midgen said, and Hermione almost groaned with horror.
She had to leave, now. But she couldn't just leave Midgen unprotected.
"Is she.. still around? I've been hoping to speak with her," Selwyn inquired casually.
Hermione backed away from the door, holding her wand aloft.
A hard hand clamped around her mouth, muffling the scream she instinctively let out. She pointed her wand behind her to send a non-verbal spell out, but a familiar voice stopped her.
"It's me," Draco growled into her ear.
Roughly, he hauled her away from the door, jerking her straight out of Diagon Alley with a single, harsh twist.
They appeared in the hallway of Draco's building with a crack. Hermione pushed herself away
from him.

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