The attack

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Soon Sid,Manny and tiki found a place to rest as Manny mad a big enough whole for him and tiki as Sid was messing with a stick before soon rain was shown puring down as tiki rest upon Manny as they watch Sid try to make fire in the rain.

"I think I saw a spark"Manny says as lighting cackles through the storm. As Sid looks to see if he did before looking dejected as his shoulders slump before getting up as he looks up at tiki and Manny "uh any chance I could squeeze in there with y'all Manny? Tiki old pals"he asked.

"No"tiki says blankly before turning away from the sloth as she curls up going to sleep as non of them noticed a sabor tooth squirrel climbed up a broken tree with an acorn he finally makes it to the top breathing hard before holding the acorn up going to stuff it in the tree before he is struck by lightning as he was chased with his eyes twitching.

Els where at a camp full of humans who were asleep as a small pack of sabor took tigers approach with stealth before the dogs ears purk up hearing something as the growl getting to there feet as the pack rushes to the camp as the dogs alert the humans as they bark.

Many of the men soon fight back with spears as one sabor tooth tiger approaches a small hunt as he crawls in looking for the baby they saw earlier. The baby was shown asleep rapped up with his father's necklace as he slowly approaches before the mother quickly grabs her baby as she swings a club at the sabor tooth tiger before running out the hut breathing heavily.

She sees her husband and the others fighting off more of the sabor tooth tigers as she quickly runs the other way holding there son close before the sabor tooth tiger that she hit was shown growling before rushing after her.

As she runs she calls out to her husband who turns seeing his wife and son being chased but they were surrounded by sabor tooth tigers.

She continues to run towards the water fall as the sabor tooth tiger chases them she runs up the ledge rock but the sabor tooth tiger cuts her off with a growl as he stalks towards her as she backs up slowly. He swipes at the baby breaking the necklace as he growls when she continues to back away before she runs again as water splashes as she runs towards the very edge of the water fall cliff as she was cornered.

She looks back at the sabor tooth tiger before looking at the water fall before making a decision as she looks down at her son with tears before holding him close as she jumps off the cliff.

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