The big chill

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Land covered in snow is seen with little snow flakes falling from the sky. A saber tooth squirrel is shown hoping from the distance it seems to be holding an acorn. It continues to hop around looking for the perfect spot.

He soon finds it as he sits the acorn down as he digs a hole. He trys to push the acorn in but he was having difficulty. So he looks around for another spot before hop over the hole he just dug before digging another hole before trying to push the acorn in but was still having no luck. He then hops around some more finding a third spot as he digs before doing the same thing again but still having no luck.

The saber tooth squirrel known as scrat sees something in the distance as he hops forward before some brown grass is showing in the snow. He continues forward to find the perfect spot he sniff's around before finding the one perfect spot before thrusting the acorn into the ground but was having difficulty he trys everything hitting it, spinning it etc. He then jumps up and down on it a couple of times until the final one really did it as a loud crack is heard as he turns seeing a crack forming in the ground as it moves rapidly.

Before the crack moves up a very tall cliff wall of ice. Scrat looks up with big eyes as the crack continues up the wall to the top of the surface when all the way to the end as it went silent just before as a large piece of ice slowly falls before hitting the ground with a thud as it tilts forward. Scrat listens intently before slumping with big eyes before looking up to see it moving straight towards him as it moves across the ground. Scart turns an runs before stopping as he screams realizing the acorn was still there as he went back for it. He struggles to get the acorn unstuck with a grunt as he wails. Soon he was able to get it unstuck with one mighty pull as he falls onto his back holding the acorn with a big smile.

He then screams when the glacier is moving closer before he gets up and starts running again as shard's of ice picks rain down on him as he runs with the acorn dodging them. He continues to scream as the glacier follows after him with speed destroying everything in its path. He continues to run before seeing a another glacier in front of him skidding to a stop realizing he was cornered as both were moving towards each other. He runs fast just as the tips clash with one another as his narrow escape was getting smaller. Before he slips landing on the acorn with a scream as it slides forward with speed.

But just as he was about to make it he gets stuck at the very end as it squeezes both him and the acorn before the acorn pops out scrat soon fallows as they fly through the air bumping many jagged pieces of land going downhill before he comes to a stop laying flat on his stomach on the ground with a grunt. He then gets up while sniffing around before the acorn falls on his head. He cheers with excitement as he hugs it close to him. He goes to move forward when all of sudden a large foot of a mammoth steps on him with a loud thud.

Scart is left in the hole as the mammoth moves forward. Scrat trys again only to be stepped on multiple times from different animals as they all head in the same direction before getting stuck to a pair of hooves on one animal as he groans with each step.

In the distance a lot of different kinds of animals can be seen moving in one direction. As they continue forward an Arctic fox was rushing between the animals to catch up wither her mammoth friend before seeing him in an argument with a smaller animal. She shake sher head"only you Manny"she says before rushing forward just as Manny walks towards her direction.

She looks up at Manny"you know now I know why I am your only friend"she sasses as she walks along with Manny side by side.

Manny rolls his eyes"sure tiki I'm sur that's the reason"he says sarcastically as they move forward away from the direction the others are going.

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