the sloth

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As tiki and many continued to walk in the other direction when all of a sudden tiki here's screaming as she turns her head just in time to see something smack right into Manny with a bang as she raised an eyebrow.

She watches as it falls to the ground with a thud it was a sloth a dirty one at that while Manny turns around fully "hey!"he yells. Before they here hoofbeats not that far as the sloth trys to think of something before scrambling up onto his feet "just pretend I'm not here"the sloth whispers to them as two angry rhinos stampeding there way over here.

Soon the rhinos come to a stop huffing angryly"I wanted to hit him at full speed tye rhino with a v shap horn on his nose says.

"Thats okay we'll have some fun with him"the other with a slightly wider horn says as the sloth runs and hides behind Manny"don't let them impale me please I want to live!"he bigs the mammoth and the article fox.

Manny lifts the leg that the sloth was clutched to"get off me"he says shaking his leg as the sloth falls to the ground."come on your making a scene"the wide horn rhino says.

"Uh-huh well just take out furry pinata and go if you don't find" the other rhino says politely.

The sloth trys to his behind Manny's leg"buddy if it's not them today it's someone els tomorrow "Manny says to the sloth.

Tiki nods her head"he's got a point Mr sloth"she says as Manny turns his head towards her with a raised eyebrow but she just shrugs her shoulder. The sloth pokes his head out"if rather it not be today"the sloth says with a nervous smile.

The rhinos were getting impatient as they glare at the sloth"we're gonna break your neck so you don't feel a thing. How's that?"the other rhino offer's.

"Wait a minute. I thought rhinos were vegetarians"Manny asked as the sloth holds out a hand"an excellent point he says."Shut up"Manny says as tiki just rolls her eyes at the two.

"Who says we're gonna eat him after we kill him"the wider horn rhino says while the other one nods his head impatiently "yeah come on move it".

Manny glares at the two rhinos"you know I don't like animals that kill for pleasure"he says with a glare as he is shown standing tall in front of the rhinos.

The wider horn rhino glares "save it for a mammal who cares."

The sloth them speaks again "I'm a mammal that cares"as Manny just glanced at him before facing forward again "okay look if either of you make it across that sink hole in front of you get the sloth"Manny says as the rhinos back up slightly since they were close just as the sloth jumps out from behind Manny "that's right you losers. You take one step and your dead!"he says as tiki rolls her eyes "does he ever shut up"she quietly mumbles to her self as Manny hides in a laugh as he keeps his face straight.

But the moment is ruined when the sloth had thrown a rock in his rant into the supposed sink hole but nothing happened as the rhinos look with a smirk.

"You were bluffing huh"the sloth asked as tiki looks at the sloth with a glare"yeah yeah that was a bluff"Manny says.

The sloth them takes a few steps back before making a run for it"get him!"the rhinos yelled as they charged forward. Tiki quickly hops onto Manny's back so she doesn't get trampled on. Manny stands his ground as he glares as he blocks their way holding them at bay with his tusk as they push against them making Manny slide back slowly. Tiki sees how close they are to edged as her eyes widen"Manny!"she yells worried.

Manny gritted his teeth as he stomps forward as he pushes them back with strength before throwing them back as they fall to the ground with a thud as the sloth cheers before he soon runs back towards Manny and tiki the rhinos weren't finished yet as they charge forward once again as Manny charged forward this time whike tiki held on tight.

When the wider horn rhino got close Manny used his tusks to pick him up behind the horn as he starts to swing around before throwing him with so much force as the rhino lands with a loud thud. The other rhino soon charges forward at the sloth only for Manny to lift up the rhino fully over his tusk before throwing them in the air.

The wider horned rhino noticed a dandelion as a gentle smile graced there face" a dandelion"he says before it is crushed by the other rhino with a thud. The sloth them cheers"whoo- hoo we did it! We did it!"he says jumping onto Manny's trunk as he accidentally loose his balance as his feet leave out from underneath him as tiki eyes widen "you idiot!"she yells as they fall.

She holds on tightly as they fall only to slide down a small hill.tiki pants seeing they where safe as she pants from fear before laying flat down on Manny's back to take a moment.

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