24. Taehyung

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This is it.

I can't hide my love for her anymore.

I can't suppress my bloody feelings inside my heart.


It's crystal clear.

I need her. I need her to make me hers.

Whatever it is. I want to be with her.

And I don't want to continue it in secret.


I want to go on dates with her, I want to hold her hand in public, I want to walk on streets with her and I want to sleep on her lap under some tree like a normal couples would do.

I don't want to hide us anymore.

Enough of it already.


I will face any consequence and I will bear any hate if it means to be with Sofia.

I want us to be free.

I want us to be free like Niko and Camilla, Dahlia and Jeremy. I want to kiss her openly without thinking about someone might see us.


Is it too much to ask?


"Let me announce you to the world." I said firmly. "As my girlfriend." My intentions were clear and pure. I don't want this fame if I have to hide Sofia anymore. Is it even a freedom if I can't kiss my girlfriend whenever I want?

"No." She said. No?

"No?" A shock travelled down through my body as I hold onto her jaw and glimpsed at her eyes. We were still naked, sitting in the same position, my cock was still inside her and her body was almost numb on mine.

"I don't want you to reveal me." She opined and sudden anxiety groped on my head. "We're good as we are right now."

"What?" I gulped my non existing saliva when she slowly tried to get up from my body. I quickly hold onto her waist when she lost her balance and almost slipped down on my body. Does she really think she'll be able to walk right after having four orgasm without a gap?

"We shouldn't expose ourselves to the world." She whispered near my mouth when I pull my cock out of her and help her lie down on the mattress. "We're doing fine."

"This isn't fine, Sofia." I said moving down at her knees to clean her up. Her legs tremble when I touched her kitty with my handkerchief I found in my pants pocket. "I don't want to date you in secret anymore."

"It's better for both of us." She swallowed as her fingers grip on my hair hard when I cleaned her messed, drenched kitty with hanky. "I don't want the world hating us for our relationship."

"Is this what you're worried about?" My question wasn't really a question. It was a statement.

"Aren't you?" She pulled me up with holding onto my hair and I lie down beside her.

"I'm not." I answered confidently because I was truly not worried. "I don't give a damn about the world, Sofia..."

"But the world gives a damn about you, Taehyung." Sofia's words were loud that those echoed in the silent library and lingered between every book shelf. "Everything you do, everything you have and everything you are concerns the world. And I don't want to be the reason they..."

She suddenly stopped speaking.

Her words vanished with the visible swallow and the afterglow on her face replaced with worry.

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