8. Taehyung

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Instagram Posts:

1) A pop singer, Taehyung Young is said to be gay. He was partners with a youngest sustainable architect of the country Niko Volkov.

2) Are fan girls disappointed?

3) Is Sofia Volkov a girlfriend of Taehyung Young?

4) #WehateSofia #SaynotoSofia #HateSofiaVolkov #WhySofiaVolkov?

5) #SofiaisnomatchforTaehyung #WhoisSofia? #LetshateSofia #Taehyungdeservebetter #Sofiaisnothing


Being famous also comes with disadvantages, responsibilities and expectations. You have to sell your whole life to fans. Whatever you do, affects them. Your behaviour, your choices, your opinions and your existence, everything effects them.

Some fans or people are precious than the god. They loves you with purity and heart. They supports you in any condition by understanding. They cherish you in your worst. They just love you.

And some fans or people are there only when you live up to their expectations. One mistake by you and they'd send you hate. They're with you till you're under their standards. They just like you.

There's a difference.


As a celebrity,

I'm bound to follow some rules. I'm tied to expectations. I'm chained to people.

I have money. I have fame. I've been to every country in the world. I've wore every expensiveness.

Am really I free as I claimed to be?

Am I really happy as I claimed to be?

Am I really serene as I claimed to be?


Isn't this I always wanted from my life?

A thrill. A moving place. An adventure. A freedom.


There are some things I refuse to tell anyone or even accept by myself because I don't want to regret. I don't regret. I chose this life. I wanted this. Always. There cannot be second thoughts.


Pull yourself together Taehyung.

No resting. Don't waste your time. You gotta practice. You have to live.


"Okay, who exactly is Sofia's father? Josh Chen or Alex Volkov?" Dad asked after hanging up his phone with Uncle Josh.

"Biological? Uncle Alex." I answered while flexing on the couch, still scrolling the Instagram feed. More than 10,000 messages have crashed on my DMs. And I can't reply any of it.

Not because I don't want to but because we're not allowed to.
We're not allowed to reply to fans personally.
We're not allowed to say thank you personally even if we love our fans.

Fan must be taking us for rude, mean or egoistic person but that's how it works. We have to gulp the poison in order to survive in hell.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked and sat beside me on the sofa while taking off his grey coat. His glasses shined when he looked at me.

"I'm perfect, Dad. These news doesn't bother me anymore." I gulped as the smile popped on my lips. "You know me, right?"

"I know Isabella too." He leaned back, crossing his legs wrapped in formal pants. "She always hides her nervousness, tension and anxiety behind her big bright smile."

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