15. Sofia

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"Taehyung?" My eyes opened at dim yellow lantern and Taehyung opening the room door and leaving.

"Kitten?" He surprised as he closed the door once again when he found me awake. "Why did you wake up?"

"Are you leaving?" I got up in a sitting position as he walked towards me with scrunched brows. His hair falling on his forehead. He was still wearing the wine ruined shirt with my lipstick printed on it and face all red and sleepy.

"Yes." He answered but sat in front of me. His fingers brushed on my cheeks gently as he tucked my hair behind my ear. My skin burned with his touch. So gentle. So warm.

My heart aches whenever he says he is leaving. I claim to hate him or I argue, fight and bicker with him whenever he is in front of me but part of me never want him to leave my sight.

"For hotel?" I gulped and scoot a closer to him automatically. My hands fingers slide on his veiny hands when I try to be as casual as possible.

"For Peru." He said. For Peru? Won't he stay for another day? Why is he leaving so soon? Why?


This is so painful. Falling for someone who is not meant to stay is so painful. Even if I tell him I like him, even if I ask him out, I'd always feel this pain. The pain of being apart. I can't suffer it always. I can't-


"I wanted to ask you something." Taehyung tangled his fingers with mine and his lips touched my wrist once. What do we have between us? We argue every time we meet and then act like a lover once kissed. "I wanted to ask you something for so long."

"Yes?" I nodded and traced his nose line, jawline and eye line with my index finger. I don't know what we have but this feels warm. This feels something so heavenly. So divine and pure.

"Did you know about Barbara?" Taehyung's questioned surprised me. My heart squeezed and stomach suddenly growled when Barbara's name popped up in our conversation. Why is he asking about her now?

"Yes." I said taking my fingers away from his face. His uneven eyes has no viciousness, no mischief and no playfulness. Just seriousness. His calm face turning red. His nose, cheeks are tuning red.

"Did she say anything to you?" He asked and put my palm on his shoulder while pulling me closer towards him. We were in silence, all sleepy and tired. Our voices were practically whispers but eyes speaks thousands of words.

"She did." I nodded, revealing the thing I buried inside my heart for so damn long. The painful thing. "Sorry for that letter. I didn't know you liked Barbara."

The serious and serene expressions on Taehyung's face replacing with confusion and shock perhaps. His palms were playing with my fingers but he suddenly stopped. Eyes widen, lips parted and he exhaled after a second.

"What are you saying, Sofia?" He asked after few seconds of pause. The confused as well as offensive tone in his voice surprised me. "I liked Barbara?"

"Didn't you?" I swallowed before speaking my heart, my pain and my anger out in softest tone possible. I don't wanted to cry out because every time I think about that, I feel dead. "You tore my letter and scattered it in front of my house door."

"What letter, Sofia?" Taehyung's hands gripped tighter on my hands, so tight that he'd broke my fingers if he don't let go.

"The one I told Barbara to give you." My heart beating faster than my body is shaking. Tears building a place in my eyes but my shallow breaths pushing them down and down.

"You wrote that letter?" His eyes widen with shock. Regret perhaps. Something on his face changed into sadness or sorrow or pain or regret or I don't know what that was but-

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