13. Taehyung

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"Have a wonderful night, Peru!" I shouted for the last time and bowed down my head in front of thousands of people, cheering my name. The blinding lights, spotlights and loud music were playing for past three hours.

I was standing on huge stage while thousands of seats were filled with people. Their light sticks changing colours and making all the stadium look like a colourful ocean.

I was drenched in sweat, body burning from dancing, throat went dry by singing and I was about to fall on the stage because my energy have drained out.

I've performed for past three hours without taking a single break. I danced and sang more than thirteen songs with same energy, same smile and same enthusiasm because people are here to watch me, they paid a fortune to have a fun at my concert. It's my responsibility that they enjoy to the fullest.


I don't care about how tired I am or how bad I want to stop and sit for a bit, the show must go on till the time is over.


I chose this in the first place.

I chose this energy, I chose this enthusiasm, I chose this huge crowd cheering me up, I chose to get being watched by thousands of people and I chose to feel every single beat of music in my bones.


When I'm on stage,

I feel alive. I feel my every bone, I feel my blood flow. The adrenaline, excitement and beautiful than heaven sight intrigue me always. There is nothing more beautiful than make people have fun. Guess, I am doing it very well and I'm happy for it.


I closed my eyes, gasping loud, listening to the crowd cheering 'Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung.' I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest, butterflies flying up to my throat and tears wanting to come out of my eyes.


I clenched close my eyes while the stage lights turning off, the focus removing from me and stage bringing me down to the back stage.


House is cement and concrete. Home is people.


I fell on the floor as soon as the camera went off of me. I fell on the ground begging for air. My body shaking so hard that it'll break into pieces. All the blood veins burning and heart almost burst out of beating. My mouth open, grasping as much as air possible and body went numb.

The crew and staff ran as usual and put an oxygen mask on me. They picked me up, put me on stretcher and brought me to the medical van. This isn't new for me or anyone who performs on stage. This happens every time. We broke into pieces on backstage after giving our best on stage.

We might not sense the pain, tears and beating on the stage because of the loud noises, binding lights and smiles on people's face but on backstage, we cry loudly. We cry hard, we feel pain in our every muscles and all we miss is home.


You wouldn't know, you're homeless.


It's already three months for I left my ̶h̶o̶m̶e house. It's not that a bigger period but I don't know why but I already want to go back. I want to return home.

I want listen to Mom's quirky laugh, I want to discuss books with Dad. I want Mom to scold me and Dad because I messed up something and Dad covered me up. I want to roast Dad with Mom. I want them to tell me how mischievous I was as a kid and how they had to face my teachers, my friend's parents and neighbours because I used to pull pranks on them.

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