21. Sofia

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It's been twelve hour since we've landed in our home town and joined the announcement dinner Camilla and Niko has arranged in Volkov residence.

Uncle Rhys and Aunt Bridget has already in the town when we reached our home. Taehyung and Sylvia and Eugene have went their home and we'll be joining us at any minute now.


I convinced Niko and Jeremy for not to expose Taehyung and my relationship yet. As I said, I don't want everyone to freak out on Camilla and Niko's big day.

Fortunately, they agreed but Niko still threaten Taehyung to stay away from me since when our plane landed, he was cuddling me in his sleep and Niko and Jeremy saw that. They argued outside the plane once again but thanks to Lia, she smacked Niko, Tae as well as Jeremy's head with her slap.


"What have I told you Volkov? Keep a fucking arm distance from my daughter." Uncle Rhys uttered while sitting on the chair right in front of Niko. Who would tell him that Niko is going to give him a heart attack?

"Rhys. They're living under one roof for six months." Aunt Bridget said when she put her hand on Uncle Rhys's shoulder.

"So what? An arm distance is must." Uncle Rhys gawked at Niko again and Niko quickly stood up when Camilla entered the room.

Camilla walked to the dinner table wearing a beautiful pink dress. A fuzzy flare coming up to her knees, tiny sleeves falling off her shoulder and exposing her delicate collar bones, neck and shoulders. She indeed looks like a porcelain doll. Her soft blondes was pinned up in bun and pink roses that Uncle Rhys brought for her.

"Oh my." Niko's jaw automatically dropped and hand moved up to his chest when he saw Camilla walking towards him. His blue eyes forgot to blink and mouth forgot to close when Camilla stood in front of him.

On the other side,

Uncle Rhys also was standing, his jaw also dropped while hand on his chest too. The only difference between Niko and Uncle Rhys was that...

Niko's eyes showed affection, while Uncle Rhys's eyes showed satisfaction.

Conclusion: They're both whipped for Camilla.


"You look..." Niko looked star-struck. He swallowed loosening his black tie of two piece black suit. Tonight's dinner theme is suits for gentlemen and dresses for beautiful ladies. And Camilla is the prettiest lady tonight.

"Stunning." Uncle Rhys completed Niko's sentence and Aunt Bridget scoffed as she looked at Niko and Rhys adoring Camilla with their eyes. "Oh I wish I could keep my little Princess to myself forever."

Niko pulled a chair for Camilla and she sat down with her beautiful smile. Niko sat beside Camilla and bent down to place a kiss on her cheek but-

"An arm distance, Devil Boyfie!" Uncle Rhys slammed his palm on the dinner table and Niko pulled back with flinch. Niko rolled his eyes as he pulled himself back on the chair and scooted a bit far from Camilla.

I'm pretty sure, even after Niko and Camilla's marriage, Uncle Rhys will still tell Niko to keep an arm distance from Camilla.


"Still threatening your son-in-law, Larsen?" Uncle Christian's voice interrupted Uncle Rhys's death stare on Niko. "Stop being that insecure father already!"

"You're the one to say, Harper." Uncle Rhys's eyebrow crooked with viciousness. "I'm not the one who is sitting between Jerry and Lia."

"My daughter wanted to sit with me, that's it." Uncle Christian fake coughed to hide his doing.

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