"I know." Her words had me in shock. "I know Beth, I know you had no choice. I appreciate your courage and commitment to save our family. It was hard for me to accept it at first, but the more time I spent in here thinking. I realized that you could never betray me and you did it for the greater good."

She gently reached for my hand taking ahold of it. "And besides with you being my successor, I know my dear daughter will be safe and well looked after. Even when she becomes a bastard following my death."

Her words had my mind in a ray. In this time I never thought about what would happen to Elizabeth, my niece. It never crossed my mind that she would be declared a bastard, like the Lady Mary. Who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet.

"Anne I swear, I will make sure Elizabeth is taken care of. I'll even try my best to restore her title as a Princess of England." I spoke giving her a sadden smile.

"I know you will, but a word of advice. Don't let papa get in your head and give the King what I could not. He only craves one thing, a son. He might say it isn't, but it is. Only if my son would of survived, maybe my life wouldn't of ended like this." She pointed out the current state she was in, along with the quarters she was imprisoned in.

I knew what Anne said about giving the King a son was the truth. Even though Henry says he still wants me, even if I cannot bare him a son. It still looms over my mind of the possibility of ending up like Anne. "I fear that possibility." I truthfully stated.

"I don't believe you should be. I have faith and I believe you will be the one to give England a Prince." Anne assured me given my hand a small squeeze.
I looked at her with appreciation over her words.

"Why wouldn't you allow an audience with me tell today?" I questioned quietly. Though Anne and her good hearing, heard clear as day.

She took a long sigh of breath. "I was angry and I didn't understand why you did, what you did. Though like I said before. Being held captive here has allowed time for thoughts. I realized that I was not angry at you, but myself. I should of never gotten involved with the King. He wasn't mine to have. Now I must face the consequences, and face the lord himself for the sins I have committed."

"Oh, Anne." I spoke with saddens in my tone as I stood up abruptly, embracing her in my arms. "I wish your end didn't end like this. I wish you could stay." Tears now streams down my face. She hugged me back squeezing me tightly.

We were soon interrupted by the loud noise of the door being opened. We pulled away to see three guards followed by the Lord of the Tower.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Your Majesty, Your Grace." The lord spoke giving us a small head bow.

"Is it time?" Anne asked with a strong courageous tone. Though I know in the inside she is frightened of what is to come.

"It is, now if you would like the Duchess can escort you to the scaffold, along with your ladies. I also have the sack of money you will hand to your executioner, before you are to kneel before the crowd." He handed Anne a brown sack filled with coins.

On cue her laddies walked in with Anne's coat. Even if spring has come, there still was a nip in the air.

Anne gulped but nodded. She turned to me, giving me a look that showed she needed me to be there. I grabbed her trembling hand giving her a small nod. Swearing I will stay.

Her laddies helped her put on her coat. The look of terror in there eyes showed how terrified there were for Anne. Once the coat was secured, Anne started to make her way out of her quarters.

I followed behind as her laddies and guard followed behind me. It felt like an eternity. Like the world has gone in slow motion. Every step that we took, was a step closer to my sister death.

Once we descended our way out into the courtyard. You could see and hear the crowds as the gathered around. From commoners to Nobels. They surrounded the scaffold, awaiting for my sisters arrival.

Once her presence was known. A path was made to the scaffold. Anne took a sharp breath in, once seeing the scaffold along with the executioner.

I took Anne's hand supporting her as best as I could. Once she was ready, we both made our way down the path. The closer we got, the more shaking Anne's body became. Even my hands began to shake but I controlled it, not wanting to alert Anne.

Once we made it to the staircase we stopped dead in our tracks. Anne and I made eye contact before she spoke. " When your life is complete. We will be reunited in the house of God. Intel then dear sister, keep me in your thoughts and prayers." Tears now began to roll down my cheeks.

Before I was able to speak Anne let go of my hand walking up the stairs. Her laddies followed behind her. My hand reached out for her, but I stoped it mid way. Knowing no matter what I do, she cannot be saved.

She walked up to the executioner handing him the sack. She then made her way to the edge of the scaffolded before speaking.

"I have come here to die and must yield myself to the will of the King. Though, I have not committed these treason I have been found guilty of. I will leave in peace. In hopes of my sister, your soon to be Queen can amend the cracks I have caused in England. I don't ask you to pray for me, but pray over the welfare of others. As I take my leave of the world, I pray for the good health and welfare of each one of you."

Her coat was then draped off of her as she was pushed to her knees. Her eyes found mine in the large crowd. She kept her eyes on me tell the blindfold was placed over them. Once the blindfold was secured. The executioner stepped forward.

At this point, I could see Anne's body shake with the unknown, but she tried  her best to stop it. Though she failed miserably.

The executioner spoke in French but I didn't catch what he said. In a quick moment he strived forward swinging the sword at my sister's neck. Her head fell off like silenced bread.

My body stepped back in shock and pain, as I could no longer look at the scene in front of me. I pushed past the crowd as fast as I could. Making my way to the gates of the tower.



Sorry it took me forever to publish a new chapter. I will try to post more chapters soon.

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Bye for now 👋

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