going crazy * 11 *

15 3 1

She was asleep
Jk stared at her like a baby . She suddenly stood up and gazed at jungkook and said

Y/N: jk I admit that I love you!!

After that, she fell down on the sofa, and jk urged to grab her that she may fall on the ground

Jk smiled and called her quietly

Jk: Y/N wake up. It's not the place to sleep come with me ( always ) ( he said quietly)

Y/N : im good. I'm not drunk ( she is just blabbering )

Jk smiled and lifted her in his arms and headed towards the car . He placed her in the car and drove to his private house. On the way, he dropped by a convenient store and bought a warm coffee that would make her sober . He tried to wake her up, but it failed.

Jk: she is such a drunk girl

Y/N: No, I'm not (throwing the tantrum and falling asleep )

Jk laughed so hard and drove to his house. after they reached there, he lifted her to the guest bedroom and placed her soflty in the bed

Jk was so tired, and he left to his room and freshened up himself he called his maid and asked her to change Y/N's clothes. And gave her a set of fresh clothes .

He was still half asleep , but he insisted on checking out how Y/N was doing
When he went there to her room, she was about to fall from the bed
Jk ran to her and grabbed her before falling down
Then he placed her in the center of the bed and put some pillows around her that she won't fall again. When he was fixing it, Y/N felt jk's hand, but she didn't know that it was him

She suddenly grabbed his hands and held tight in her arms without opening her eyes and started , blabbering something
Meanwhile, jk can't get rid of her

Y/N: I missed you so much, appa . I can't be here without you, but something makes me regret accepting you. Sorry, appa, I can't help it, though.( and started being sad like she was about to cry)

Jk is shocked and also tries to comfort her

Jk: it's okay, baby. I'll always be with you hereafter i never leave you

Y/N: Really ??

Jk: jinja( really)

Y/N: Give me a promise that you won't leave me!!( and raised her hand )

Jk: uhhh, okay

He placed his hands over her palm and kissed her forehead gently
Y/N sleeps peacefully

Jk still tries to get out of her grab, but when he makes a move, she is disturbing in her sleep, so he doesn't move, and even he slept too

On glorious morning, the sun shines in jk's eyes. He was disturbed and woke up first before Y/N

Then he smoothly glides his hands and gets over her
He stretched his arms and gazed at Y/N he made her hair properly so that it won't disturb her

Y/N seemed to open her eyes. Jk noticed and tried to leave the place. Otherwise, she would have felt embarrassed, but she got up quickly, and he hid himself under the bed..

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