ابدأ من البداية

My steps quicken, as does my heart until I'm full-on running. The loud stomping of my feet against the walkway makes Selene halt her harp playing. Her eyes snap open as she bolts upward from her seat.

"Walk, walk, walk!" She tries to yell at me, but I don't listen. I just run faster, only stopping when I have thrown myself into Dorian. "Miss, that is not–...!"

Her words become nothing but a nagging whisper in my ear as I rise up on my toes to meet Dorian's lips. The moment our lips collide, I don't feel the usual warmth that almost always radiates through me. In its place is an icy prickling that seems to flow into my mouth and down my throat.

My hands press to his chest, desperate to break the kiss. It is to no avail. His arms have trapped me against him, forcibly tying me to him in a kiss that continues to douse my body with a sickening chill. That chill crawls down my spine and into the pit of my stomach as his hand dips down to my hip, squeezing it before he does the same to my ass.

Again, I make an attempt to escape him, but my efforts only earn me a warning that comes in the form of a bite to my lower lip. As this continues, every bit of breath and life from within my body escapes me.

"Remove yourself from her at once!" Selene's shaking voice reaches my ringing ears. "I will be getting Master Dorian, you hear?! And he'll tear you to pieces for not heeding my instructions! Prepare yourself, Biast!"

Biast? An unfathomable surge of rage overwhelms my shaking body. I'm partially angry at myself for mistaking Biast for Dorian, but most of that burning emotion comes from the putrid man who refuses to release me from a kiss that he's only enjoying.

I grab fistfuls of his cloak before I bite down on his tongue that dared to try to push past my closed lips. Immediately, I'm shoved backward, stumbling until I regain my balance.

The hood obscuring his face has fallen to reveal his mocking, fanged smile. A bit of redness pools at his bottom lip and beads down to his chin. He brings a hand to his chin, lightly pressing his finger to the reddened stain before pulling his hand away to look at it. His dark eyes dart from his bloody finger to me.

The look in his eyes practically slips every disgusting thought from his mind and into my own. I ball my fists at my sides, then stomp up to him, determined to destroy any and all fantasies he might be having about me.

"What the hell are you doing here, Biast? You weren't invited to interrupt my practice," I seethe at him, unwavering under his cold gaze that's teeming with the urge to dominate and destroy all that it falls upon.

"I'm just admiring this beautiful hall, and of course..." He pauses mid-sentence to lean himself down to my angered face, "...you." His hand catches my advancing one that was intent on breaking his nose. "I never would have thought that you would be so kind as to throw yourself at me for simply visiting you, my Cyra."

"I was mistaken," I begin to explain myself as the hold on my hand tightens as if to warn me not to say the thoughts in my mind. Like a fool, I ignore him and continue, "Never would I have kissed you if not for that. You may delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but just be aware that it will not happen again, no matter your feelings." His hot, angered breath fans onto me. It smells faintly of dark wine mixed with pork. I grimace and turn away from him. "I belong to Dorian, not you. Don't forget that, Biast."

A man that smells of pork and wine is not a man that I want to be near, let alone kiss. That I know for certain. Unfortunately, Biast seems to be determined to hold me in place. His grip on my hand has not faltered once.

My Fucked Up Fairytaleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن