Lemme Hate (25 Things)

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So, I was tagged by thebeccac to do this challege and I'm oddly ... excited about completing it (mainly because I love to hate things). Let's get this hating started~

⑴ Anything that stings. You know? Scorpions, bees, wasps, hornets, etc.. Those sorts of things. Why? Pain, my friends, pain. I have such a low pain-tolerance that I will cry if stung by anything.

⑵ White rooms. They make me nauseous and I don't like being nauseous. Paint them some other damn color so I'm not left wanting to vomit and add some color to them.

⑶ Sunburns. I don't like going outside, but if I have to and am left out there for long periods at a time, I will burn and feel like I've been set ablaze. Do you remember what I said in #1? Pain-tolerance is quite low.

⑷ When a guy tries to make sexual advances towards me and I barely know him. I'm sorry I'm not an easy betch.

⑸ One-Direction. Typical boy-band that most bimbos on Wattpad swoon over.

⑹ Bad eyebrows. You know? Those ones that are penciled on so badly they just make you cringe and question what's going through their heads when they shape such dreadful things?

⑺ Acne. Like why the fuck does it have to exist? Can we all not have beautiful, supple, smooth skin? Or is that a sin?

⑻ Parents that do drugs and shit. It's bad enough to even do them, but could you not find it in yourself to quit them for the sake of your kid(s)?

⑼ People who think it's cool to smoke. Do you just hate your lungs and those of the people around you? Put that shit out, your body will thank you.

[10] Anything orange or banana flavored. Could you not leave those two great fruits out of candy?

[11] Hot, humid weather. Where I live, it's been near 100 degrees F and humid like no other. Could you just not, nature? Plz? I'm dying here.

[12] People who take advantage of you.

[13] Any water-dwelling animal that could potentially gobble me. Crocodiles, sharks, alligators, squids, etc.. Gimme a break ... I'd love venturing into the deepest depths of the ocean, but your lame asses have to ruin that for me, sharks. -.-

[14] Animal abusers. What did they ever do to deserve such awful treatment? Seriously? Maybe they should turn into people and you turn into them. See how you like the pain and torment they're having to endure when they just wanted to love you.

[15] Bullies. Back up, man, I'm not afraid to whip out a katana and cut a betch in multiple pieces.

[16] Ladies who think it's okay to walk around topless. It's obvious you're proud of yourself, but could you please put your tits away? If you're not feeding an infant, have a little sense of decency, okay? There are creeps out there and the only attention you should be looking for is that from your significant other.

[17] Dark under-eye circles. When you have them bad, like me, where they're deep and blue, correctors and concealer just won't cut it.

[18] Persian cats. I don't like their flat, smug faces.

[19] Centipedes/Millipedes/Spiders. I'm terrified of them. Kaneki can keep his little centipede shit to himself---it's bloody scary.

[20] When people try to tell me what they want me to be in the future. I want to travel, learn new languages, but that's all I've determined at this point. I love cultures; I love meeting new people; I love journeying to new places and doing exciting things.

(Any ideas, you guys?)

[21] Lima beans.

[22] Peanuts with chocolate. Gross.

[23] When you and a friend slowly drift apart. That really hurts, man. So bad.

[24] Gullible people.

[25] The fact that great stories on here are lost in the endless supply of trashy One Direction Fan-Fictions. Could you guys just stop romanticizing rape and sex slaves? It's not cool, nor is abuse. It's getting ridiculous. Maybe someone should put YOU all on the Black Market to be sold into sexual servitude. >.> Gtfo.

Nominations: violinfreakk InvasiveStars blacklikethecolourof AllBeautyDestroyed AnIdiotOnTheInternet KawaiiAeon (And any other gawgeous person who reads this.)

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