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"Where is she?" Someone shouts, marching into the room like a policeman about to make an arrest. His dirty blonde hair tangles behind him in the wind, and his cornflower blue eyes flash bloodshot with his rage.

"Did you kick her out already?"

"Isaac, why are you in such a state? Your sister was just about to go to the shops for some yeast." Helle explaines.

"Shut up Mother, no one's talking to you. Keep your trap shut unless I look at you, right? And why in the world would you send her out to the shops when she only just got here?" Isaac scoffs and then notices Hedy and stops.

"Hi sis." He says, suddenly seemingly shy of his older sister.

"Hello Isaac. You've done well for yourself."

"I certainly hope so. I work for the government and Olga — my girlfriend — does too. We're getting married in two days. That's why I had Ma and Pa invite you."


Isaac's mother looks shocked. "Marriage?! But you're barely twenty Isaac! I can't believe this! I can't believe you could be so careless as to knock up-"

"Mother! Shut up! I have done no such thing. I love Olga and for your information she's never getting pregnant. We don't want kids, we want to live deliberately, deeply and adopt a dog and not lead a life of quiet desperation like most people here. Why the fuck do you think I no longer live in Kellatiz?"

This news seem even worse than the marriage news to Helle. She starts sobbing, bending over to wipe her face with her floury apron.

Dad takes her by the hand and leads her away, shooting Isaac a look of contempt.

"Now we're all for it. Oh god." Hedy sighs, imagining what the punishment would be. A beating? No worse. Chinese water torture? Force feeding? 

"They're just being dramatic. When they meet Olga they'll love her."

Somehow Hedy doubts that very much.

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