36 - Memories (Kieran)

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"So Naomi is pretty into you, eh?"

"That's what she tells me."

"It makes sense. You have many qualities of a great boyfriend. You were just reluctant to share them." She took a tiny bite of her tomato and set it in the bowl. "Have you met her ex?"

"Greg? Unfortunately. Was he at the game?"

Brinny nodded. "He's pretty nice. Ian hates his guts, but he seemed sweet and not bitter with Naomi."

"Right." Kieran took a sip of his fruit-something smoothie to soothe his dry throat.

"Not that you need to be worried. She's crushing hard on you, and they only seem like friends."


Naomi had preferred distance from Greg and found his friendship advances uncomfortable. What had changed? Was she still hiding the fact that she had a boyfriend?

"I wouldn't stress about it. She had her phone out, I assume texting you. At least that's Ian's theory."

"She was."

He'd find silly baseball GIFs to make her smile, and they'd flirt steadily. If her game was closer to his apartment than her place, she'd stop by, and they'd spend the evening together. It had gotten routine enough that Jake was asking which night games were on, so he ensured the space was 'guest-ready'.

"We're heading to her sister's place in Gimli this weekend." He couldn't help but grin. He'd even taken a vacation day so they'd have more time.

"Aw, I'm excited for you, Kier. I've never seen you this happy."

"And I'm excited for you too. Naomi's friend Marc said Ian's a decent guy, so even if it's not forever, at least he shouldn't be a jerk."

"He invited me over for supper with his family on the weekend."

"Already?" They hardly met a week ago.

"We both live with our parents. It's inevitable, especially since he would rather my dad not know about us since it's so short-term."

"Why is he scared of your dad?" The man had always treated Kieran well. Her mom was the more particular one.

"He's my dad's summer internship student."

That was another point in Brinny's favour. Ian had to be on his best behaviour or Brinny could mention something to her dad that may affect his future employment prospects. Not that Brinny's dad was that kind of guy. Unlike Naomi's father, he left Brinny's romantic life to her and hadn't come across as intimidating or outspoken when Kieran had first met them. Half the time he was over, Kieran was like another one of their kids.

Brinny stared at her food without taking a bite.

"Are you nervous about meeting them?"

"It sounds like his mom cooks very rich dishes and..." She rearranged the purple and green leaves of lettuce. The salad looked nearly identical to when they'd served it to her. "I want to want to eat it, but sometimes it's hard."

"What makes it hard? Though, I can't blame you today for not loving a boring, tasteless salad."

She chewed on her lip and stared at the black bowl. "It won't make sense to you, especially since I've changed, but," the next part came out as a whisper, "I get these visions of waking up the size I used to be."

"There's nothing wrong with the size you were."

Brinny tapped her fingers on the table. "People stared at me for the wrong reasons then."

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