Land Beyond P2

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The seas of Bushido are a land travelled less and less each year. People much prefer to travel the slower, but safer land bridges and tunnels. Legend has it that those who go too far into the seas are dragged into the deep, never to return.

Hima had control of the stern, his sea based knowledge the best on this trip. It was storming heavily, and the group couldn't do much about the sound, even if they sat in the cabin, they always needed at least 2 people out there, one to watch for any lightning, and one to drive.

It had been around 3 days up until that point, and finally they saw land.

"Let's go."

Valk was eager to go, his sea sickness cultivated by the strong rocking of the boat was evident.


But it was too late, as Valk jumped off the boat and landed on something much more soft than the firm golden sand he had seen from a far.

From below, he felt a deep rumbling, as he dashed back as a gigantic beast arose.

"You idiot."

All of them got in a combative stance, but shortly realised there was no ground to stand on.

"Hima, its up to you."

"What about your storms?"

"Too widespread, it could kill all of us if too strong of a thunderbolt spreads across the water.

"And Komori's flame?"

"I'm not biting into that."


"I'm a close ranged fighter. We need you to do this."

"Fine. You all owe me."

Hima began to swirl water around his Shamael, and jumped into the water, dragging the beast down with him.

"You think he'll win?"

"Have faith. He's a strong guy in all honesty."

Deep below the surface of the water, Hima was already in a deadlock, his dagger not able to cut through the tentacles of the massive kraken.

"You damn mutt, just sit DOWN!"

He swam as high as possible before diving down and stabbing the kraken in the eye, before dashing back and sending 4 water sharks at it.


The sharks grabbed onto the Kraken, and held it in place, allowing for Hima to charge up an attack."

"Shark Redux: Riptide!"

The ocean parted, as the jet of energy was most highly concentrated in the face of the kraken, and it was seemingly sliced in half.

"I know you're not dead."

The Kraken somehow grinned, and fused itself back together.

"Three hearts. Three kills. Let's go."

Hima began his assault again, but the Kraken was much more strategic, grabbing Hima by the head with its suction cups and slamming his face into the ground over and over.


Hima exploded in a wave of aura, and sliced off the suction cups pinning him down, before entirely slicing off the tentacle, and biting it.

"Thank you for the meal."

The Kraken seemed enraged, and dashed towards him again, but Hima was waiting for this, and parried his blow, before stabbing another eye.

"Can't see? Does someone want their vision back?"

Hima began charging a massive amount of energy into Shamael, and the tanto began becoming longer and longer, nearly reaching the height of Hima himself, who was quite tall.


Instead of stabbing or slashing, he began to swing his blade with great effort against the kraken, spinning ever faster, creating a tornado of sharks for the Kraken to be devoured by.

"Game over."

The Kraken fell back to the seabed with a large thump, but in Hima's state of drowsiness, he had completely forgot about the third heart, and was punched straight through the stomach, a gaping hole lingering within.

"I regenerate in the water heh."

But deep down, Hima knew that the wound was simply too great to heal without urgent medical attention.

He propped himself up against a piece of coral, and closed his eyes.

"At least let me die in peace, hm? At home, at the bottom of the sea."

The Kraken seemed to understand what he said, and refrained from dealing the finishing blow.

"In a hundred years."

His eyes began to glow an aquamarine blue, and a pillar of light illuminated the skies, and everyone watched from up above.

"What the actual hell is going on down there?"

"Just wait and see."

Musashi could see the entire fight with his enhanced ocular abilities, and saw Hima clad in a blue cloak with the word Mizu adorned on its sleeves.

"I'll only need a minute to end you."

The water seemed to bend to Hima's will, a vortex being made around the Kraken, and holding it in place.

It thrashed and thrashed, threatening to break out several times, but Hima held firm, waiting for the perfect moment to finish it.

"Let's end it the way it was meant to be ended, hm?"


Hima's blade began to glow a violent blue, unlike anything shown before.


His hand began shaking under the weight, and he dropped the vortex, and dashed forward.


The Kraken was sliced in half, and the sheer recoil sent Hima barrelling several meters into the rocky seabed.

After 5 minutes, he finally recuperated, and swam back up.

"Now, let's talk about what you owe me."

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