Land Beyond

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It had been around 3 weeks of recuperation time for the group as a whole. Not only were they drained mentally, but physically too.

Juuzou had been the worst affected. Apparently, Komori's attack on her psyche had been so devastating that she had to spend at least a year of recuperation time. So they went to Komori.

"Oi. Komori."

The bat turned around just as a fist flew into his face from Hima.

"Tell us how to heal her NOW!"

He was enraged, Komori had overdid it in all his fights, even to people who simply wished to surrender.


The two stared at him quizzically, before asking again.

"What the hell is Transylvania?!"

"My home. There, you must find my father, Vladimir, and seek the cure."

Hima threw him to the floor, and began searching for a map. It took several hours, but they finally found one, and even then it was a struggle to read.

"We'll learn as we go along. Come on."

"Let me come with you."


It was Komori..?

"You have a better chance of survival with me at your side. He won't want to harm this posse if his son is a part of it. Besides, I can read the map."

"Fine. Come on."

"But he's the one who's making us go through this?!"

"And he's getting us out, let's go."

The two made sure they had all they need, and left.

"The journey will be 2 weeks full speed on foot, no breaks. Obviously, we're not doing that, so it will be around a month. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

The 3 were gone, and a massive boom could be heard as they broke the sound barrier. Each of them stayed deadly silent, simply following the path Komori had layed out for them.

On their first break, they came across The Revolutionary.


The trio came to a halt, and each put a hand on the hilt of their swords.

"What is it. I don't have time for you."

"That stance. Those 2 swords. You're a Miyamoto."

The man said nothing else and dashed forward, striking at Valk's arms, but was quickly shocked.

"I don't get your issue. But if you attack me I won't hold back."

"Don't take it to heart. I'll explain when you lose."

The man began to jump from side to side, a pale blue aura surrounding his hands and feet, as he dashed forward again.

"Should we help?"

"He's fine, just watch."

Although the man's fingers should've been cleaved off in one strike, it seemed that the aura was protecting his somehow, like an intangible armour.

"Nice trick. Why don't I take that from you."

Valk stood still for a second, before a bolt of lightning crashed into him, and he was clad in lightning and wind, his speed greatly enhanced.

"Storm Cloak. That's the name."

He shot off, thinking that he'd instantly put the foe in the dirt, but failed, so snapped back for an elbow strike, which landed, but seemed to do naught.

"Really making me try here. I'm just trying to go on my way!"

Valk disappeared from view, but reappeared behind the man, with a

"Second Comet: Wyvern's Bite!"

As the opponent was sent flying, Valk raised his hand, and a storm dragon crashed into him, seemingly putting him down for good.

But 2 seconds later, he got up.

"Nice fight! I guess I should explain who I am now."

Valk sat down, genuinely interested on why he had been accosted, with Hima being forced to do the same by Komori.

"I am a product of vengeance. I know not how many years ago, but I simply know it happened. My father was defeated by Musashi Miyamoto, and I was named Musashi, as if to mock him. I was forced to learn a paltry 2 sword style, but when it came to protecting my father, it paled. My father died, and so did the sword style with it."

Valk listened closer, feeling empathy for one who suffered so much by the hands of his own family, and wanted to know more of the sword style.

"Without a mentor, or any scrolls to go by, I didn't know how I was to wield the blade. So I wielded my fists. My body became my weapon."

Hima sarcastically clapped, but was shut up quickly, as Valk spoke up.

"A 2 sword style? Do you remember getting it from a source, like a scroll, or anything such as??"

Valk was truly engrossed in the conversation, so engrossed that he forgot to watch his manners, and was invading Musashi's space.

"All I remember was a sword. A sword, clad in black, yet it shone like the moon. It was impossibly beautiful. Every night, my father told me one day it would be mine. I knew such things were an impossibility."

"I've heard of that blade. My father keeps it in his tower, locked away resting above a scroll. I guess we're not leaving without fighting him."

"Then I should come with you! If just one more time, I wish to see that blade."

"The more the merrier."

Each of them smiled, and they began on their way again, crossing the border, and beginning their journey across the sea.

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