"I am not Fabio"!!! He gritted out "get out of my office Ivan, I don't want to kill you, but if you keep pushing me then I won't hesitate to pull the trigger on you" he snapped glaring hard at Ivan.

Of course he wouldn't kill him but he was pushing his luck, Dimitri would never understand what Cara had done to Ivan to make him take her side this much.

Even against him.


She felt a warmth on her hands, it was soft and warm, she felt like her head was going to split open because of the pounding and ringing in her ears.

She tried to open her eyes but was met with blinding white lights, did she finally die after all the torture from Dimitri?

Was this heaven, she slowly let her eyes adjust to the lights before looking around, her eyes landed on Ivan, he was gently stroking her hands in his, he had worried lined etched on his face.

He hadn't seen that she'd woken up, he was still focused on her hands, she croaked out trying to get words out and that's when Ivan noticed she was awake, he sat forward in alarm trying to calm her down.

"You're still here so I guess I'm not dead and this is not heaven" she croaked out a joke, Ivan just smiled at her

"You're awake, thank God" he breathe out assessing her face again, the bruise were still there, a plaster on the side of her face
"How do you feel"? He asked and she almost shrugged

"Like a train ran over me" she muttered, she truly felt like a train had ran over her, her whole body was in pains, her head was throbbing and her face felt like shit

She already had a pretty good idea what she looked like, Ivan felt guilty and bad for her.
His cousin had done this to her.

She looked up at him and saw the sad look he had one, she wasn't blaming him for what happened, it wasn't his fault, she didn't want him to beat himself up because of what happened.

Tears was already blinding her vision, what had she done again that made Dimitri take it out in her like this?
The anger she saw in his eyes before all this happened was something that scared her.

"What happened"? She croaked out referring to why Dimitri had beat her to this point.

Ivan sighed out, how was he going to explain that Dimitri lost his cool like this because Lorenzo killed two of his men?

He thought for a good minute before finally explaining everything to her, he knew Lorenzo had gone too far killing two of Dimitri's men but it shouldn't have led Dimitri to the point of beating Cara up to this point

She didn't deserve any of this.
He was looking at her and stroking her hands gently trying to calm her down, she wasn't happy, he hated seeing her like this.

"He won't come anywhere close to you again, I promise" he said with conviction, amidst the tears this made Cora chuckle.

"That's not possible Ivan, I'm his captive, in his home, Do you think you can keep him away from me"? She asked, she knew he only wanted to protect her but he couldn't protect her from Dimitri, not when she's in his house.

Where would she stay that he wouldn't find her?
She was trapped here with him, until she either dies or he gets tired of having her around.

"I'll try my best Cara, I won't let him hurt you again" he insisted stroking her cheek, she was grateful to Ivan for even standing up to his cousin on her behalf.

She was forever indebted to him.
She so badly wanted to ask him what exactly she'd done to Dimitri to make him loathe her this much, but she didn't want to risk him knowing her true identity.

Ivan on the other hand wanted to ask her if she truly is Cara, because there was a lot of loopholes that summed up to the fact that she was in no way Cara De Luca.

But he didn't want to scare her or anything.
She still had on the bloodied dress from a month ago and now it was even more bloodied, Ivan decided to get her something to change into and have a bath.

"I'm going to go get you something to change into, are you going to be okay for a few minutes before I get back"? He asked and she nodded.

He knew Dimitri wouldn't come here, not yet at least, so he left her in the room, he locked it from outside so no one would be able to get in from the other side.

Cora stood up and walked gingerly towards the huge vanity mirror, even though she felt dizzy and swayed a couple of times, she managed to make it to the mirror and she gasped upon seeing her reflection.

Her whole face was bruised, turned purple, her one eyes almost completely closed, her lips was swollen and busted, she had a bandage on one side of her head, her neck had finger marks on them.

She didn't know she'd been crying until she tasted the saltiness of her tears on her lips, she walked back to the bed and sat on the edge.

He had really beaten her to a pulp, all because Enzo killed two of his men, she knew the anger he felt wasn't only because of that tho, she probably might never know why she's had to suffer this much.

The real reason why Dimitri hated her, what had Cara done to him?
Cara being an Assassin there was a number of things she could have done to make him this mad at her.

She breathe out and quickly wiped off her tears, she didn't want Ivan to see her like this, he would be back soon and seeing her like this would make him guilty.

But why was Ivan nice to her?
He was nothing like his cousin, if not for him, she probably would have died the first two months she got here.
Did he perhaps like her??

No, she quickly shook her head to clear the thought from her head, Ivan can't like someone like her.
He probably just pitied her, she chuckled at her own ridiculous assumptions.

Ivan liking her
That's such a crazy thought

Next chapter will be a flashback, y'all will get to see what happened that made Dimitri hate Cara so much and why he wasn't comfortable with Ivan liking her

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