"So what are you doing? Are you just going around all by yourself?"

"You could join me" he held out his hand

I put my hand at his, he stood up and then did I

We stood face to face and it was only inches in between us

I looked down and he moved back a little

"Do you wanna go?" He asked

"Yes" we began to walk as we were holding hands.

"Are you okay after being dead and that with Mikael?"

"I don't know....his words made all my thought go crazy and I starting to feel that he may be right"

"I think he came inside your head. Don't believe what he said"

I nodded and Klaus put his hand on my waist, I made a face. He tilted his head at me

"Don't think about what Mikael said. Think about my hand on your body....caressing you"

The tension was so hot between us and his look at me was so handsome

His hand was going lower and my whole body started to shiver feeling his hand touching me

"Or think about how I am close to you"

He walked closer to me and I could only think about how hot and close he was to me.

"Do you feel that?.....That's my hand touching your neck" he whispered in my ear

I was so stunned and I didn't really know how to react. All I knew was that this man will be the death of me.

He came closer and I backed until I backed into a wall of a house that was where no one could see us

I felt his fingers touching my lips and his other hand on my thigh.

"Feel that?...you're thinking of me touching you and all your thoughts are gone. Is that right?"

"Yes it is" I bit my lip

He smiled looking at my lips "i can only think about my fingers touching your soft lips and my hand on your thigh"

I put my hand on his cheek and his eyes made eye contact with mine.

He leaned towards my lips and we started to make out against the wall. His veiny hands were now around my waist.

It started to rain but none of us cared, we were still making out. His hair got wet and our clothes was soaked in water.

I put my hand on his chest weakly pushes him away and we stopped kissing

"What's wrong?" asked Klaus and I smiled with the rain going down my face

"It's pouring rain" "and?" He made me blush and I looked away

"Exactly you're right it's just....rain" I kissed his wet lips and the rain came all over us

He grabbed my inner thigh and I grabbed his jacket pulling him closer to me.

We we're making out like crazy and my hybrid face appeared

"Ahww" Klaus says, we stopped kissing and I was confused

"What happened? Oh did...did I..bite you?" I put my hand on my head closing my eyes

He put his hands at mine and put them down so we now were holding hands

"Yes you bit me...but I just think that's.....hot.." he whispered when he said hot.

I put my hand on his cheek kissing him. My hair was so wet like I had showered and our clothes was soaked in the cold water

As we were kissing a bolt of lightning struck down and we stopped kissing looking up at the sky

"I think it will be getting a storm tonight" i said looking around as I was in Klaus arms

"Are you scared?" He said smiling

"No I'm not scared of thunder or storms"

He looked at my hands that held his arms in a strong grip "not scared?"

I let go of my grip and says "well I don't like it, at least I don't like storms"

"Let's go home so we could get warm" Klaus took off his jacket and took it around me.

My cold hands found their way to his and we were walking holding hands on the pouring rain

We had made our way to the house and we walked in to see Rebekah sitting in the living room. Klaus walked to his room and Rebekah sat up walking to me while I had a towel to my hair.

"You've been out in the rain? You didn't go in when it started what have you've been doing?"

I rolled my eyes of her being silly

"So?...tell me. Or wait..you've been..you and Nik...in the..RAIN?" She was so confused and curious at the same time

"Oh..my god..Rebekah Mikaelson...you just asked me..that?"

"You're right...when I think about it...I don't even wanna know" she made her way to her room and I was smiling.

I was going to my room but when I past Klaus door it was half open and he was standing in there taking of his t-shirt. I stopped and looked at him.

I saw his abs and he looked so good. He turned his head and was smiling as he put on a dry shirt

"I didn't know you were here" he turned around to me and I walked in "yea I was actually going to my room but I-"

He smirked coming closer to me.

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