13-Fresher Party.🍁

Start from the beginning

"Hey calm down i'm not going to do something to you." Eunwoo said with tsk tae smile at him nervously...

"I'm not alone just my friends have gone to dance." Tae said point toward the dance floor Eunwoo nods his head and look where tae points his hand...

"Btw you two become hot topic of this uni just because of beom and jun how did you know them." He ask sipping his drink tae fiddling with his finger.

"They are my dad's friend sons." Tae said looking at him with his big wide bambi eyes he nods his head smiling.

"You didn't take anything to drink let me bring one for you." Eunwoo said tae shook his head immediately...

"No no no i'm fine seonbaenim please don't bother yourself for me." Tae said hurriedly with wide eyes he chuckled

"It's okay uhm... cut off

"Taeyeon, Jeon Taeyeon." Tae said he smile and left to bring a drink for him

Other hand....

Jae dancing with nancy but his mind and eyes stuck on taeyeon he is seeing him from side eyeing he frown when he saw woo his classmate also Uni's president talking with tae he feels something burning in his chest...

He clench his jaw watching them talking and smiling to each other he shook his head look at towards tae blankly

'He needs to stay away from stranger specially in parties didn't uncle's told him this.' Jae mumbling under his breath...

"Anyways its nothing to do with me." He said and look at nancy 'what' she ask shook his head with small smile

He saw Eunwoo come with some drink and offer tae and how he is looking at him not in wrong way and taking care of him they are talking with each other comfortably and how tae giving him his beautiful boxy shy smile... Later Eunwoo left towards his friends...

Few minutes later...

"Yeon." Soobin chirp and hug him he giggle and hug him back jun chuckle and sat on a chair...

"He ask me to court." Bin whisper in his ear tae pull away instantly and looking at him shockingly...

"Wow isn't it too fast anyways who cares." Tae said both start giggling.

"Sorry I left you here alone." Bin said he shook his head mumbling it's ok

"He were not alone he was with Uni's president am I right." Jae said coldly and sat beside yeonjun who give him confused look tae smile fade away...

"Really! What you guys talk about?." Bin ask excitedly and both sat on the chair...

"Nothing just casual talk." Tae said and shrugged junbin nods their head

"You shouldn't drink something from stranger on top of that in parties." Jae said tae look at him shockingly how did he know about this all junbin look at them confusedly...

"He is a nice person." Tae mumble jae scoff and left from there jun follow him... saying don't mind him...

"Hey it's okay and yeah he seems nice guy but still you have to cautious about these things too what jae hyung said it's right." Bin said tae nods his head sadly pouting bin caresses his back...

Few hours later....

After dropping taebin at their home both friends going towards Mansion

Jun driving the car beom leaning on his seat thinking about tae's sad face

'Shouldn't talk with him coldly i'm sorry bub.' Jae thinking and lean on his seat...

"Why are you behaving cold to him? suddenly." Jun ask to break the weird silence between them he sigh lazily and closed his eyes...

"It's none of your business and i'm not obliged to talk with him sweetly." Jae said jun look at him in furrowing...

"I thought you like him." Jun said seriously jae chuckled bitterly make him confused...

"Bro I didn't said a joke to you, did I" Jun said annoyingly jae open his eyes and look at him with his void eyes...

"Jun we are here to complete our mission so just focus on this I don't want any mistake in this mission." Jae said sternly he nods his head...

"Still you are admiring him from 3 yrs don't behave cold to him." Jun said jae look outside of the window and saw two black cars following them...

"Take out your gun yeonjun." Jae said he clench steering wheel tightly and nods his head and take out his gun he also take out of his gun from his back.

"Don't drive towards Mansion drive somewhere abandon place and alert our teams show them our location." Jae said jun did what he ask to do...

"Welcome to hell Mr Lee Mark...." Jae mumble smirking darkly...


To be continued.......


Be safe take care.... 💜💚✨

Thank you so much y'all.... 🍁

Pictures credit to rightful owner...

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