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First, I want to tell you I am so heartbroken right now because of a guy, so I hope, that this chapter won't be too sad, but I have to put my feelings somewhere. Also, I don't want pity, just a little warning :):

 Also, I don't want pity, just a little warning :):

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TW; Self-harm

The last time Aurelia talked to Draco was when he wanted her to eat something. The next day, Sinja told her about Kayla's little arrival in the kitchen.

Aurelia was scared. Kalya Malfoy was an intelligent woman and would immediately notice when something was off with her husband. However, since she was still alive, she assumed that Kayla didn't know a thing, which was good.

The maid was cleaning just like every other day when she suddenly heard voices in the other room. Curiosity got the best of her, and she followed the sound of talking, which led her to the closed door of Draco's office.

"I see how you fucking look at this slave!" She heard a female voice shout.

"Don't be ridiculous Kayla, it is no secret that the two of us aren't in a happy marriage like others, but a slave? Do I look like I would have feelings for some mudblood? What's the point of this? Do you really think I could love someone like that?" She heard another person hiss before she heard something like pushing a chair back.

There was no doubt that Kayla and Draco were arguing in this room.

Aurelia felt how tears built up in her eyes. Her heartbeat got faster, and it was harder for her to breathe. What did she expect? A happy ever after with Draco Malfoy?

She just wondered why he would take the time and be with her when he knew, that all of this was pointless. Why would a person be this cruel? Everything he said probably never meant something to him.

She blinked her tears away and concentrated on the conversation again, but all she could hear were kissing sounds. That gave poor Aurelia the rest. She just wanted to cry. She ran as fast as possible to her room, the thought of her duties long gone.

She tried to calm down, she tried to breathe, but it felt like she couldn't. Her vision blurred cause of all the tears and her hands began to shake. She used to have panic attacks once in a while when she was younger, but when it happened, her mother was always with her to breathe with her. But now she was gone because of people like Draco.

She quickly reached under her pillow, grabbing the moving picture of her and her parents, while she laid one hand on her chest, trying her best to breathe.

She looked at the picture, still with her blurry vision when she suddenly felt a hand grabbing hers. She was too busy trying to breathe to notice who it was, but she could hear the person talking, and it slowly calmed her down.

When she finally had the strength to look up, she saw a face that she hadn't seen in a while, Pansy Parkinson.

"W-wha-" She couldn't finish because Pansy already interrupted her, "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I heard some weird noises and wanted to see if everything was okay. Clearly, it wasn't, but I hope I could help a little."

She gave Aurelia a small smile, "T-thank you for h-h-elping me."

"I am glad I could help, not every one of us is heartless." She laughed, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Aurelia looked down, still ashamed of her panic attack, "Plea-se don't te-ll anyone"

"My lips are sealed," She giggled, "But if this happens again and someone else finds you, I don't think they won't report this."

Aurelia nodded, hoping that it was the first and last time for it to happen in the Malfoy Manor.

"C-can I ask w-w-why you ar-e here?" Aurelia spoke up quietly.

"There is a meeting in half an hour, and I just happened to arrive sooner because who wouldn't be glad about my appearance." She giggled, looking at Aurelia.

"Has anyone ever told you, that your hair colour is really beautiful?" Pansy smiled, looking at it closer, "Quite unique."

"No, but t-thanks" She smiled at Pansy's words.

After a few more seconds, the death eater stood up, "Time for me to go," And after that, she was gone.

Aurelia let out a sigh, she didn't want to deal with all that pain anymore. Slowly Aurelia walked to the vase beside her bed, picking it up before she let it slip out of her hands. The shards were all over the floor, but she couldn't care less. She grabbed one of them and slid down the wall, pushing it into her skin. She couldn't even feel the pain, all she could see was the blood that came out of her fresh wound, but that didn't stop her from pushing the shard deeper into her skin.

Why couldn't she be normal? A normal witch or a normal muggle. She didn't want to be something between those two options.

She pulled the shard out of her skin with a small hiss and bound one of the spare shirts she got around her arm.

She threw the shards carefully into a dustbin in her room before she laid down in her bed, crying herself to sleep.

𝐌𝐮𝐝𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞 || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now