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The young woman woke up the next morning to a loud knock on her door

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The young woman woke up the next morning to a loud knock on her door. Sleepy, she rubbed her eyes and slowly crawled out of her bed.

Before she even had the chance to open the door, the person on the other side had done it.

In front of her stood another young woman, not older than Aurelia herself. She had red wavy hair, light skin and a kind of special face. Aurelia remembered her from the last day, she was the one who had opened the door.

When the redhead saw Aurelia, she instantly began to smile, "So you're the new maid here or slave, but I don't like that word."

Aurelia was confused, was this girl just like her or was she like the others and just had pity?

"I am A-a-aurelia, and yes, I am new h-here." She replied, embarrassed because of her stuttering.

"You seem cute. I am Sinja, and I also work for the Malfoy's. It's not as bad as you may think, I guess." She said, full of enthusiasm.

Before Aurelia could answer, she was already taken by the redhead to one of the nearby bathrooms, "So, you will now shower and change, after that, you will come down to the kitchen where I will wait for you to explain your duties for today, understood?"

The shy woman nodded and waited till Sinja got out. She looked around, stunned by the bathroom, it was huge and clean, not like the one in the dungeon. But after all, there was one thing that she hated about the bathroom, it was dark, just like the whole manor. Black tiles, black furniture and a small window, which was covered by a dark green curtain.

Aurelia sighed and got into the shower, and washed her hair first. She felt how the hot water burned her skin, loving the feeling of it.

As she took the soap and rubbed it down her body, she looked at her vagina. A lot of people would have called it pussy or cunt but not Aurelia, she was just too innocent. She was a virgin and didn't plan to change that anytime soon, well it's not like she had a chance to change it.

However, Aurelia was not only a virgin but had never touched herself. She had never had the urge to do so, but the longer she looked at her vagina, she thought about how it would feel.

She slightly shook her head and put the soap aside before letting the hot water run over her skin one last time and turned the water off afterwards.

She got out of the shower and wrapped the grey, fluffy towel that previously hung over the sink around her delicate body.

Aurelia didn't even dare to look in the mirror because she didn't want to see how ugly and disgusting she was, she already knew.

She quickly put on the clothes she had found in the bathroom. It was a black, oversized T-shirt, well once it was black, it looked as if it had been worn and washed many times. There also was some fresh underwear, it wasn't special nor was it sexy, but it was enough for her. Despite this, Aurelia was grateful, she was grateful for everything, no matter how insignificant it was.

Aurelia opened the door and wandered desperately through the Malfoy Manor, searching for the kitchen. When she was finally sure that she had found the right door, she knocked but didn't wait for an answer and opened the dark wood door. She probably didn't expect Draco Malfoy, and neither did he.

He stood in the middle of the room, in one hand a glass of fire whiskey and a cigarette in the other.

"What are you doing here? You aren't allowed to be in this room!" He said strictly, looking at her in disgust.

Aurelia didn't know what to say, but she knew it was her fault. But what kind of room even was that? It didn't look like an office or a bedroom, it didn't even look like an important room, so what was so bad about Aurelia entering this room unintentionally?

"I am s-s-sorry, Mr. M-malfoy," She stuttered and looked down in shame.

The Malfoy man scoffed before putting his glass down and squeezing out his cigarette. He walked closer to her while looking her up and down.

"Oh, I am sure you are sorry, but that's the reason why you are a slave. You aren't worth it, you aren't even worth it to breath the same air as I do." Draco hissed.

Aurelia was taken back by his words. No one had ever told her something like that. She was aware of the fact that she was a muggle-born, but that was no reason to tell her something like he did.

"It w-won't h-" she started but was interrupted by Draco.

"Stop talking and get out already, mudblood!" He slightly yelled, which made Aurelia flinch.

As fast as she could, she closed the door and ran away, still searching for the kitchen.

Aurelia eventually found the right room, where Sinja already waited for her, "Finally, took you long enough."

"S-sorry, I went to the w-wrong room," Aurelia whispered, which made Sinja frown.

"Which room?" She asked curiously before the muggle-born told her about the conversation with the youngest Malfoy.

"Listen, never, and I mean never, go into this room again. No one is allowed to go in there, not even his wife, Kayla." Sinja told her in an upset voice.

"Why are y-y-you calling his w-w-wife by her first n-name?" Aurelia asked, confused by Sinja's sudden change.

The redhead let out a big sigh, sitting down on the kitchen counter, "Well, I am not a muggle-born like you, I am a half-blood. You're probably wondering why I'm not dead by now. The answer is, I'm Kayla Malfoy's stepsister."

Aurelia was speechless. The stepsister of  Draco Malfoy's wife was working in their manor as a servant and all of that just because she wasn't a pureblood. She couldn't imagine how a family member could be so heartless.

Aurelia loved her family, especially her parents. Her childhood was one of those that could be called perfect. She was an only child, which meant that her parents had plenty of time for her and gave her unconditional love. They were both murdered by Death Eaters during Aurelia's 4th year at Hogwarts.

At the thought of her parents, a tear ran down Aurelia's cheek, "Y-y-you wanted to t-t-tell me what my duties are for t-today."

Sinya jumped off the counter and straightened her skirt, "Right, so first you will clean the second floor, then you will help Mrs. Malfoy to choose a fitting dress for tomorrow night's gala, and last you will help me prepare dinner."

The dark-haired only nodded and turned towards the door to start her work on the second floor.

"Oh, one more thing, as you have noticed, your wand was taken from you, so you have to clean without magic," Sinja called after her, to which Aurelia simply nodded again, walking out of the kitchen.

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