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Aiden said while grabbing my shoulders from the back and here I lose every ounce of patience I was holding within myself. I jerked his hands off as I swiftly took off the bracelet from my hand which was a hidden knife. I pushed him to the ground straddling his body as my knife slightly made a cut on his neck.

The distortion caused his men to come inside as they pointed their guns at us. James stood in front of me as a barrier.

"Ask your men to drop their weapons else you are not going back alive today. I will kill you at any cost even though it will cost me my own life." I grabbed his hair and made his face lift as I bored my angry eyes into his scarry blue ones. He clenched his jaw as he ordered the bulky guys to drop their weapons and leave the room.

It was now only three of us.

James took out Aidens guns and guards. As I stand back on my feet.

"I hope now you got the idea that who could make whom lay under them." He tried to threw his hands at me but before he could James bumped him into the nearest wall and caged him into a chokehold.

"Dare you think of even touching her again. And I won't hesitate before throwing you infront of the hungry dogs who will scrap your skin bite by bite until you don't die. And it's not a warning."

We both made our way out as I got into his car to our hotel room. I lighted myself a cigarette to unwind the baziness surrounding my head from the nightmare I had last night.

I definitely don't want tonight to be the same ir else I will lise my shit and you guys will witness me in the most scaring haunting and dreadful state anyone could ever witness.

I ate some dinner alone in my room pairing it with a good whiskey so that i could atleast have a peaceful sleep tonight.

The morning cane like a hurricane as a light knock kicked me out of my sleep. I opened the door just to find it was James.

"We leaving in like an hour. Get ready."

I shut the door without replying as these words were pulling my nerves out.

I was getting annoyed in the morning again.

I didn't have plans to stay in Italy so I was going to America as soon as I reach there.

I have to go and knock the two bastards outta this world and straight fucking to hell.

That bastard gangster and that dog mole who betrayed I am going to burn both of them alive.

The journey was so exhausting until I didn't plopped myself on my cozy bed and fallen into a deep slumber. There is nothing like home.

Zack was all ready with his plans. He already set up everything. With two A rank troops of mine. I reached texas. We had four snipers on the building in front of us. The areas was almost ruined and wasnt that developed.

I waited in my car for the good news as I enjoyed the death game from the cameras fitted on some of my men. The fight go on for like an hour until zack signalled me that everything is clear and both of them are under my control now.

I seated my self on the wooden chair putting one leg on the other as I lighted my joint.

"What are you waiting for zack hang the gangster in chains and took this another bastard back to New York I am gonna treat him my way."

The Secret of the EyesWhere stories live. Discover now