Confesions Of The Heart - Sirius x Reader

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"Look, Sirius, this is really hard for me to say, but I like you, I really like you, and I want to know if you'd like to maybe go on a date? And I understand if you don't like me back, but I just had to say." Y/n said softly, her cheeks red from her own words.
"That was great! Now you've got to say it to him!" Lily clapped her hands from where she was sitting on her bed, making Y/N groan and turn around from her spot facing the mirror."I can't do it, Lil's!"
"Yes, you can! You just did it."
Y/N rolled her eyes, walking over to her own bed, flopping down face first dramatically "yeah to my reflection!" She exclaimed, her voice muffled by the comforter.
Lily chuckled and stood up, walking over to sit besides her "come on, it's not that hard, just go down there, take him to one side and tell him how head over heels in love with him you are, what's the worst that could happen?"
Y/n groaned again, rolling over unto her back "he could laugh in my face, he could reject me, are whole friendship could be ruined" She listed off, cutting Lily of before she could speak again "are friendship is important to me! We've been friends since year 1! Why would I want to risk that! Risk everything over a stupid crush!"
"Are you done?" Lily asked once Y/N had finished her rant "look I get how you feel. It was how I felt about James, but look at us now. We're as happy as anything. "
"It took nearly five years of him begging and pinning over you for you to finally say yes," Y/N replied flatly, sitting up to face her friend ." Anyways, he asked you! It's kinda sad of me to ask him."
Lily scoffed, shaking her head slightly. "It's not pathetic. Women can ask men as well, nothing to be ashamed of, besides, it's a different world. You've got nothing to lose! Your friendship is strong. A simple 'I like you' isn't going to break it."
Y/n sighed, picking up a pillow from behind her, hugging it to her chest. "Yeah, I suppose, I'll do it, just not yet,"
Lily rolled her eyes, standing up. "Don't wait too long. Someone else might snatch him up," She stated, heading back to her own bed.
Y/N sighed, laying back down. How could she ever tell him how she felt? He was so confident and cool, and she was just... not.
She had realised about a year ago that she liked him and ever since she had turned into a bumbling mess every time she saw him, the way he smiled at her made her go weak at the knees, the way he would occasionally brush against her when he walks past made her heart flutter. He was perfect in her eyes. Even with his flaws, she wanted to learn more about him and be the shoulder for him to cry on. But she was too scared, too scared of losing one of her closet friends, too scared of being rejected and humiliated.
She huffed frustratedly, burying her face in her pillow.
'Why was being in love so hard!?'

Y/n watched as the portrait of the fat lady opened, stepping in once it was wide enough, the common room was quiet for once, everyone that normally gathered there was down in the great Hall enjoying the feast.
Y/n had left early, not feeling hungry that evening and feeling tired from the long day of classes.
She walked forward, her eyesbrows raising as she saw Sirius sitting at one of the tables in the corner, his head bent over a a notebook, and what looked to be a potions textbook.
"Are you doing homework?" She asked, a little surprised.
Sirius glanced up and chuckled, giving her one of his signatures grins. "You sound surprised."
"Well, yeah, you hate doing homework." She giggled, walking over, she leaned over him to look at his work before shaking her head. "Wasn't that assignment due last week?".
He nodded. "Yup. Proffesor Slughorn gave me an extra chance to finish it. It's that or detention."
She laughed softly, taking the pen from his hand and underlying one of his sentences. "That's wrong," She mumbled, leaning over him as she checked over the rest of his work. "And there, you've mixed up the ingredients, should be the other way round."
She glanced down at him only to find him staring at her, his usual goofy grin plastered across his face.
"What would I do without you?" His words made her cheeks instantly redden. She moved back slightly, feeling her heart quicken.
"W-well, I'm sure y-you'd manage." She stuttered slightly, glancing back down at his homework. "I suppose you'd have to figure out how to do your homework on your own."
Sirius raised his eyebrows, putting his hand on his chest dramatically. "Do my homework? On my own?".
They both laughed, y/n shaking her head as she handed his pen back to him, watching as he went to correct the mistakes he made.
She stared at him for a few seconds, her hands clenching at her side. She felt her heart pound in her chest. 'Just do it!' It screamed at her.
"I like you Sirius" She suddenly blurted out, her eyes widening at her own words, Sirius looked up at her, his mouth opening to speak before she cut him off "Oh merlin, nevermind, forget I said anything! I'm just being stupid. I'm sorry!" She rambled, stepping back. She turned around and made a run for it, not taking a second glance at the boy as she darted for the girls' dorms.
"Wait, Y/n!" Sirius called running to the edge of the stairs, unable to follow due to the protection charm.
Y/n ignored him, slamming her bedroom door shut, her heart pounding in her ears as she slipped down into a sitting position against the door, holding her head in her hand.
"Stupid, so stupid what was I thinking?!" She muttered, mentally kicking herself for saying it. Her mind raced with all the possibilities. She could already imagine his disgusted expression. Maybe he was already talking with the others, laughing at her stupidity
'How could I ever like someone like you?' she imagined him saying. The thoughts made tears streak down her face. She wiped them away fustratedly, inwardly refusing the cry over something so silly
She felt the door budge slightly, unable to open properly from the force of her body against it.
"Y/n," she heard Lily's call from the other side. "Open the door please".
Y/n sighed and wiped her eyes quickly before standing up and opening the door.
Lily stood on the other side with her arms crossed. "sirius wants to talk to you," She said simply, a smile tugging on the corner of her lips.
Y/n groaned, shaking her head. "I can't go down there, Lil's, I just ruined everything."
Lily sighed and took the other girls hand. "You didn't ruin anything, just go talk to him, please,"
Y/n breathed in shakily, looking at her friend in front of her. What more could she lose?
"Fine, fine," She mumbled, wiping her eyes once more before heading down the stairs to the common room.
Sirius stood there, leaning against the back of the sofa. He smiled as soon as he saw y/n, a look of relief crossing his face.
Y/n gulped and walked over, cutting him off once more before he could speak "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything, and I don't want to ruine are friendship"
"Y/n," sirius tried to cut in, taking a step towards her.
"I care about you a lot, and you're such a good friend," She continued. "a-and you mean so much to me, so please don't let this -"
Sirius finally managed to cut her off by cupping her face between his hands. She looked up at him startled, instantly losing her train of thought at his touch.
"I like you to Y/n," he said softly, looking into her eyes. "I really like you y/n."
Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat. She felt like her heart might burst from her chest any minute now.
Sirius chuckled, leaning down slightly and kissing her cheek. "Shall we go to hogsmead together this weekend?".
All y/n could do was nod, a massive smile breaking across her face "yes I would love that." She whispered after a few seconds.
"Finally!" The sound of Lily shouting from above them startled the pair, they both looked up to find Lily leaning over the side of the bannister, having watched the whole scene.
Y/n and sirius shook their heads, looking back at each other, chuckling slightly.
'Maybe loves not that hard.'

Requested by AllisonTart hope it's OK!


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