"I'm worried about his dad's health," she says with a pause and clean her tears.

"He's depressed,
He doesn't talk to me or even say anything I can't find peace, I feel responsible for this whole situation.........

"Don't blame yourself for anything Falak,
This was bound to happen in this first place the truth will somehow find its way out if anything your dad is responsible for this whole mess, and I'm afraid Malik is the only person that could fix this,
The last time I heard from fu'ad their mum wasn't happy to, This whole thing is fate it's either everyone takes it as that or I don't know,
Go and check on your husband."Lily says not knowing what else to say.

She has been battling over here with her marriage, whenever the guys split they tend to get moody or somewhat like that, Ahmad spends more time with the baby trying to get away from thought while Mubeen Amirah said she's scared he would smoke his life away in a cigarette, they try not to worry about malik but they, but they just need him to learn that they are important in his life to something that they would eventually regret it or so.

Lily and Falak talked for a while before they hung up, Falak waited to see if her dad would come back but evening slipped tonight and midnight no sign of him Frustrated she left the house, Night had never been her favorite time the trees seemed to come to life and the bird chirps makes the surrounding eerie, she finds it so perilous walking at night, Malik once said to her she's suffering from Nyctophobia she didn't drive rather she find a cab and the drive was so creepy to her especially with the creepy taxi driver, once she arrived at her destination she paid and stand in front of the house, the last time she was here, it was good, nostalgic memories from the past makes her release a heavy breath as she walks as push the gate, it's ajar which makes her furrow her brow, she walks to the front porch and knocks but it open making her peek through the door the dark parlor sending goosebumps around her body.

"Malik!" she called and entered the parlor quickly turning on the light.

The first thing she noticed was how disoriented the parlor was, papers a lot of them sprawled around, and the pile of clothes on the center table was filled with numerous empty containers of what she recognized as his medications and some injections a lot of unusual stuff.

"Malik," she calls her voice raspy and she's extremely terrified at the moment.

"Malik!" she calls and deliberate between climbing upstairs to check or leaving, The second option seems fair and feels like the best option but she's extremely worried.

She picks one of the papers and reads them confused then drops it as she peeks through the kitchen door.

The parlor door screeches open making her quickly turn from where she's standing, to her surprise it's him.

She's not sure if he saw her or acted like she was invisible but he headed upstairs, from all indications he just got back his suitcase and backpack says it all, she stood rooted on her spot confused and then she heard the sound which made her furrow her brow and quickly climb the stairs.

"Malik!" she calls worriedly knocking on the door where the cry is coming from.

"Malik!" she knocks banging aggressively on the door as the door flies open.

He grabs her aggressively by the scarf.

"What do you want with me?
Haven't you done enough damage?
I hate you!
I hate you!!
And leave me the fuck alone." he yell and tossed her to the ground making her hit her head on the wooden floor as he shut the door loud.

But she was not leaving, there was no way on this planet she would leave Malik with a baby she didn't know where he got from, A lot of questions raced through her mind and the baby kept crying which terrified her so she called the helpline immediately a single mistake with far consequences that would later make her regret her action.

When he went to Iran a month ago he wasn't sure what to expect but what unfolded was something he wished he stayed back and never dug too deep into stuff just like Mubeen suggested, he has been taking pills, steroids, and any other things to keep him company, he's always by himself and he doesn't think he needs anyone company anymore, he roams in Iran for days before tracing his identity, born and raised in the small village of mosouleh his biological mum who's name is Salimah grow up there, married at the age of 17 to a random man who offered her parents money, she was taken to Syria where she stays until the war which lead to her crossing the border and giving birth to malik but that isn't all,
She gave him away because she hates his dad who died during the war, She sees him as a bitter memory as a result of whatever predicament she went through so she leaves him at the refugee camp where he later gets adopted,
His mum went back to her parents to start a new life, remarried a man, and moved to Afghanistan,
War once again tore her new family apart her husband got killed by the Taliban while her daughter was taken away from her, somehow his mother managed to escape and find her way back to Iran by then her mother passed away she stayed with her dad who also died due to hunger,
His mum lives all her life by herself with the pain of losing both children who deep beneath her don't know whether or not they are alive,
He was opportune to be with his mum and stay with her for the past few days until she passed away, he tried his best to make sure she stayed alive but she has been sick and left unattended for a while but the little time spent with her he's satisfied because he created a bond that he never thought he would with anyone blood for sure is a lot thicker than water,
And the baby with him is his niece,
His sister was home prior a week before he had arrived said his mum but she dropped the baby and left without a care blaming her for the misfortunate and misery she'd been through in life, His mum gave him  some pictures of his sister and perhaps some information about her perhaps he would find her but he's tired of digging into past, even though he was opportune to meet his biological mum the few days with her was worth it to him and he get to discover a lot about himself that he doesn't know,
His life can never be less complicated he feels tired and alone like he doesn't belong anywhere,
It takes days before he gets the necessary papers for him to leave with the baby she's barely 4months or so, he had no idea he had a lot of patience in him until now, he's dealing with more than he could handle at the moment,
He wasn't sure what to expect but falak in his home was not part of it, he hated her because he believed she was responsible for his predicament and this whole roller coaster he was going through in life.

He sat on the chair just staring at the little girl who's crying,
what's he gonna do?
He do already line up all the necessities in her front but she pick none, the siren that filled the quiet night is what makes him peek through the window and falak was speaking with some officers,
He pick the little girl and she stops crying and exit the bedroom but by the time he reach downstairs they are in the parlor.

"Why are you in my house?"he ask looking at the police officer who is now inspecting the centre table as he grab one of the pills containers.

"Your wife here is worried you had a baby that she doesn't know about."

"She is not my wife and the baby is safe with me,
so leave."

"That would be difficult AMAD Malik if I'm not mistaken,
Because this have to got a lot of explanation and for the babies safety ofcrse."the police officer reply grabbing one of needle from the table as Malik glance at flak who's now standing awkwardly she already knows where this whole is leading to and she's afraid that this will end up terribly bad not how she wanted.

Deliberation and talk one after the other, what started as a mere routine checked escalated to drugs charges Maliks was arrested ofcrse and was taken to the station with one of the female police officer who has the baby since Malik refused to let falak have the baby.

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