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The Great Sept or as some call it, Sept of Baelor, is the center of religious worship for the Faith of the Seven. It was a massive structure causing it to be the largest in all of King's Landing. Arriving at the front opening you could see the enormous statue of King Baelor I Targaryen. Long ago he had this built for the ones who wanted a place to pray for their needs.

    The inside was covered with paintings while above us stood sculptures depicting the Seven different aspects of the godhead. There was the Crone, the Warrior, the Mother, the Father, the Maiden, the Smith, and the Stranger. In the middle of the marble flooring was the seven-pointed star. A skylight hovered over us in the ceiling allowing for the sunlight to sneak through. Every past King was buried here save for the ones that were burned over a funeral pyre.

I opted for following more religious roots within being a Targaryen. Before the Doom of Valyria it was said that the dragonlords worshiped and prayed to the The Fourteen Flames. It was said that Valyria of Old held everything the world had to offer, even our stars, in a single egg. Until a bolt of lightning so powerful struck that egg splitting it into two. Eventually that egg spilled land and water from two sides. One side created the birthplace of the First Men, Westeros, and the other created the endless lands of Essos.

I hung further in the back while my sister continued to be glued to the side of Alicent. Fingers grazing over the necklace from Daemon, I felt replaceable but was too stubborn to let them see anything vulnerable. Growing more curious I focused on everything father had told me before, now hesitantly waving my hand over the flames of the candles cluttered together over each table. Looking at my hand I saw no burn marks. I felt no pain. I gently wiggle my fingers over the fire once more and giggled. Brushing my fingers over my hand I heard a voice ring through my head.

"Are you well, sister?" Nyras voice brought a smile to my lips. I clasped my fingers together behind my back as my sights found her.

"In the eyes of your Seven? Probably not." A sarcastic smile was plastered on my face before walking by the two girls.

"Are you worried for father? For when he will remarry..." Nyra spoke in sadness. It wasn't a question in her mind and she saw more than anyone realized. It wasn't an if he will get married. It is when he will. I knew she missed our mother even if they did not always agree.

"I suppose it has been on my mind." It wasn't. I had been so involved with so much I hadn't thought about how it would be. How things might change. "I know the men of the council and how they plot in their... secret councils when we are not present." I opened my mouth to speak again but Alicent butted in.

"You cannot worry at the matters of lords and kings, Valyria." I stopped in my steps tilting my head out of hesitation to respond. "What if your father were to remarry? Your father loves you." She then glanced between the two of us. "Both of you." Grabbing a few candles she walked her way to Nyra handing her one with a smile then turned to me. "He chose you for his heir. He would do nothing to change it." I was taken aback by her kindness. But why now? How would she be so sure of what would happen? My brows furrowed as I gently took the candle. The red head turned and sat to her knees beside the table. "Kneel with me."

Nyra took a deep breath but sat with her closest friend while I continued to stand.

"I find this is a way to be with my mother." She began again. "Here in the quiet of the Sept, I feel close to her. I know it sounds foolish."

"I do not think it is foolish. I don't." Nyra spoke. It seemed as though she was admiring the girl.

"Good." Alicent gave a sheepish smile. "Because I thought you might try. If not for me, then, perhaps for them." Her eyes wandered over the different statues before landing on me noticing I had yet to sit with them. Nyra then turned and looked to me with sadness filling her eyes. My expression softened as I hesitantly got on my knees and sat next to her.

Valyria Targaryen (Daemon Targaryen ff)Where stories live. Discover now