The Unknown

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Standing along the balcony I could oversee the Weirwood within the side of the Red Keep. It was crowded with flowers too delicate for this Castle. The tree itself was eerily beautiful. Made from ashy white bark and blood-red leaves it created a euphoric feeling for the ones who passed by. Taking the hood of my cloak off I could see laying at the roots were Alicent and my little sister reading some book I cared not to know. My chest rose with a deep breath and my heart quickened. I didn't trust this girl around my family. I could sense a darkness surrounding her and I was scared that my sister was allowing it to consume her too.

"Princess." A husky voice rang out behind me. I turned around and saw the dark curls laying across his face.

"Ser Harwin Strong." I placed the hood back over my head covering everything but my lower face.

"Are you prepared for your training this afternoon?" Standing to the side he held his arm out motioning for me to walk. I noticed his quick glance to my sister and saw the grin he attempted to hide as he cleared his throat. I tilted my head with a knowing look but shook it off.

"You have no idea how much I need to hit someone."

We crept our way around guards and slid to our safe spot on the side of a cliff. The riverside of the Red Keep. The railing was low and straight over the edge making it perfect for covering any sight or sound. It was too far from sneaking eyes while the ocean was too loud to hear the clashing of metal. The sight was unlike any other looking over the sea. Waves of green and blue waters smashed along the rocks and dripped along our steps.

"You seem angry today, Valyria." Ser Harwin admitted.

"I am in no mood for council. You are not your father. You are a guard. I have paid you for nothing else these past few years." I slid my cloak off revealing my darker armor. The breastplate was made of Valyrian Steel painted ebony with blood red edges. The middle had a single dragon etched on for the symbol of House Targaryen. As for my sleeves and pants they were covered in black dragon scales.

"Hey. I am your friend. Your only friend. Need I always remind you?" I could hear him slide his sword out. "I am con-"

"Enough speaking!" I demanded not caring if he understood my High Valyrian. I slid my sword out and twisted in a circle slinging it on him. The clash of metal hit loud as he blocked my hit with his own at the last moment. My eyes burned brighter pushing all of my weight forward. But he shoved me back a few steps and stood upright pointing his sword to me.

"Eyes are always a tell. And yours are angry. The orange brightens like when you add more wood to a fire. Like dragon's eyes. I have also never seen you smile around anyone but your sister."

The mere mention of my eyes sent me in a rage. "There is nothing for me to smile over." I swung repeatedly again, spinning my feet but he blocked them over and over trying to keep up with my movement. I hit my last swing yet when he tried to disarm my sword I slammed my head to his knocking him back in a daze. Kicking his feet from under him I pointed my blade to his throat glaring into his eyes. I lowered my sword and gave a sigh. When I turned to the side he kicked my legs from beneath me causing me to land hard on my back.

"Never take your eyes off your enemy." He spoke between his quick breathing.

"Why am I so different? Everyone fits in one way or another. But me. My eyes glow like the fire while every Targaryen in our histories were born with eyes of the lavender flower. So many shades of purple. I feel no joy here. Everyone looks to me as if I am something to fear. It's... it's as if my birth meant nothing to the world." I exclaimed looking to the sky as we laid flat to the ground.

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