Aemma Targaryen

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The air was chilled, blowing against the grass. Syren and Syrax sat atop a hill purring to each other. My cheeks were stained with bitter tears while my eyes burned. Looking to my right I could see my father looking to the ground, refusing to see what was in front of us. Rhaenyra and Daemon stood behind me on either side. A tall pyre stood before us with our mother wrapped in a shroud. Only a foot below lay the body of Prince Baelon Targaryen. The babe she had just given birth to. Our little brother. The royals along with guards painted in red littered the green cliff standing in silence. Steps arrived closer behind me.

"They're waiting for you." Daemon whispered behind me.

"I wonder if, during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found his happiness. Neither Nyra nor myself will ever be enough."

"Your father has always needed you... now more than ever."

"I will never be a son." I kept my voice steady and sharp. Glancing darkly once more at my father I took steps forward, stopping in front of the whole. Syren leaned her head forward in my direction softly growling. I needed to do this. Not for my father but for me. "Dracarys!" Syren groaned each step of the way until she made it to the bottom of the hill. She looked to me tilting her head down before letting her fire consume the pyre. My eyes never left the flames. Only one thought raced my mind.

But I will be Valyria Targaryen.

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