He gets sick in the middle of the night

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Warning: vomiting, mention of diarrhea


Y/n: are you done baby?
Jimin: yeah it was really good -he said as I took his plate to wash it- thank you for the dinner babe
I was going to start washing the dishes but he stopped me
Jimin: oh let me wash them honey you already did enough
Y/n: thank you baby I'm going to get a shower -I said kissing his cheek and leaving to the bathroom-

We were getting ready to go in bed and I notice jimin looked kind of pale
Y/n: are you feeling okay jiminie?
Jimin: yeah just a little tired
Y/n: you sure? You look kind of pale
Jimin: yes I mean I had a headache at work but it went away
Y/n: that's good but if you feel bad just tell me okay?
Jimin: I'll  baby -he kisses me- good night
Y/n: good night sweetie

Jimin POV

I woke up feeling cold and kind of dizzy I didn't want to wake up y/n so I just tried to sleep through it but I couldn't.
I couldn't control it and started shivering I felt really cold and my stomach started to hurt

Y/n: baby what's wrong?
Jimin: I-I feel re-really cold
Y/n: omg baby you're burning up -she said touching my forehead- let me go get you the medicine
She came back with a glass of water and a pill
Y/n: here baby take it -she gave it to me and I swallowed it- here I got you this wet towel for your forehead and just in case a bucket cause you never know
Jimin: thanks sweetie

After that I slept for an hour until I felt my stomach turning around so I grabbed the bucket and started to gag.


It was about 12 a.m when I felt something kind of trembling I turn around and see jimin shivering I feel his forehead and he's burning up I didn't even need a thermometer to notice so I gave him some medicine and after that we both fell asleep.
An hour came by and I woke up by some gagging noises

Y/n: oh god baby it's okay it's okay -I said sitting next to him on the bed and rubbing his back-
Jimin: I feel nauseous but nothing comes out -he says and coughs-
Y/n: take your time baby I'm here
Jimin: ugh I don't feel good hon guuuuuwwaaa

He didn't get to finish his sentence as he started to vomit all his dinner
Y/n: get it out honey get it out
Jimin just kept gagging and coughing while I rubbed his back and stroked his hair backwards
Jimin: I-I think I'm done
Y/n: dose your stomach feel better baby?
He nobs
Y/n: I'll go wash the bucket baby I'll be right back
I come back and u notice his teary eyes I come closer to him and hug him he rests his head on my chest and holds my arms
Jimin: I'm sorry baby
Y/n: why're you apologizing honey?
Jimin: cause I woke you and vomited the dinner that you made
Y/n: oh baby don't be sorry it doesn't matter all I care is that you feel good
Jimin: thank you for taking care of me
Y/n: I love you sweetie
Jimin: I love you too
We cuddle for a while until we fall asleep.

The next day

We both woke up and cuddle for a while it was Saturday so jimin didn't have work thankfully, he still had a slight fever and an upset stomach but he didn't throw up he just had some diarrhea.

Y/n: baby you okay in there? -I said through the bathroom door-
Jimin: yes I just need some time to get it all out
Y/n: that's alright honey take your time oh I got you some medicine so when you're done take them alright?
Jimin: thank you baby

He came out and I gave him the pills then I helped him get in bed and put a wet towel on his forehead.
After a while it was lunch time and everything was good he just had a little fever but it has gotten a lot better.
We cuddled for the rest of the afternoon and he got better.
The next day he was all new but I still told him to stay in bed so he could get cured completely.

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