You find him crying

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Jungkook POV

Today was our last world tour performance and as we're going back to the hotel I can't stop looking at jimin hyung he doesn't seem his usual self I can notice that he tries to act as if nothing is going on but I can tell he's no okay

We get to my hotel room that I share with hobi hyung I we talked about lots of stuff

Jungkook: I really enjoyed the tour hyung
Hobi: me too kookie
Jungkook: umm hyung have you noticed that jimin hyung it's quite different
Hobi: yeah!! I thought I was the only one that saw that we should maybe talk to him or does any of the other members know?
Jungkook: I haven't asked them about it
Hobi: maybe we should ask them at dinner
Jungkook: yeah let's do that

We all gathered at the hotel restaurant well not everyone jimin didn't come down taehyung hyung said he was asleep
We were eating when hobi hyung decided to start talking

Hobi: have any of you guy noticed jimin it's different?
Yoongi: yeah he's been different this whole week
Nam: yeah I saw that too
Tae: he seems sad since he saw his phone that day
Jin: what are you taking about taehyung?
Tae: well when we were in New York we got to our room and he was looking at his phone and he seemed sad he even started to tear up I asked him what's wrong but he didn't tell me he just said that everything was okay
Hobi: well that's weird what did he saw?
Jungkook: umm hyung I think I know what he saw -I said turning my phone so the embers could see-

I found a lot of hate comments on Twitter towards jimin specially talking about his weight and since we all know he has had some issues with food in the past we got really worried

Jin: I think this is what he saw cause now that I think about it he hasn't eat that much lately
Yoongi: yeah I've noticed that too today he only had lunch and an apple before the concert
Tae: I'll try to talk to him tonight If he wakes up
Jungkook: that's a great idea

Taehyung POV

I came back from dinner and jimin is still sleeping I don't want to wake him up he was really tired after the concert today

The next day

We got up really fast to catch our flight so we didn't have time to talk to jimin we could talk to him on the plane either cause most of us fell asleep


Today bts is coming back from their tour and I was waiting for jiminie on the airport suddenly I hear al lot of screams and I instantly knew it was them
And I was right I was standing on the tip of my toes to see them and then I saw him he looked at me too and smiled the he ran towards me and hugged me really tight

Jimin: I missed you so much -he said almost crying-
Y/n: I missed you too baby -I said almost crying too-
Bts: hey y/n
Y/n: hey guys -I said hugging each one of them- I'm happy you all arrived safely
Jimin: I'm happy to see you -he said holding my hand-
Y/n: well let's go home
He nobs
Jimin: bye guys see you next week
Bts: bye jiminie bye y/n

We wave them goodbye and drove home
We arrived and he hugs me again dragging me to the couch

Jimin: I really missed you -he said putting my hair behind my ear-
Y/n: I'm here now baby  -I said rubbing his cheek with my hand-
Do you want some lunch? I made your favorite noodles
Jimin: oh um no thank you baby I think I got a little motion sickness from the flight
Y/n: oh do you want me to get you your medicine?
Jimin: no no it's okay honey I already took one
Y/n: oh okay
Jimin: let's just cuddle
Y/n: okay come on let's go to our room

We cuddled until we both fell asleep when I woke up it was 7PM
I come out of bed cause I didn't see jimin next to me I go down stairs but he's not there I come back to our room and check the bathroom and there he was sitting on te floor hugging his knees with his head on them
He was sobbing

Y/n: jiminie what's wrong baby?
Jimin looked at me with his puffy red eyes and came close to me and hugged me tight
Y/n: baabyyy what's wrong? -I said rubbing his back-
He just cries
Jimin: I-I-I'm -he keeps crying holding me even tighter-
Y/n: your what baby?
I want to cry too seeing him like this it's breaking my heart
Y/n: okay baby let's go to our room the floor is cold
We come out the bathroom and sit on the sofa of our room
Y/n: it's okay honey I'm here you can tell me what's wrong I'm here for you -I said wiping his tears and stroking his hair-

He takes his phone and shows me the comenta
I get angry really angry why're people like this? Why do they hurt him?

Y/n: oh sweetie -I said hugging him as he starts to cry again-
Do your member know about this?
Jimin: I-I didn't tell them
Y/n: you kept this to yourself? For how long?
Jimin: about a week I-I just th-thought that it wouldn't get to me b-but it did
Y/n: oh my jiminie
I hug him tight as some tears start to fall from my eyes
Y/n: ok look baby I'm going to text them to talk to the company so they can report this horrible people and take some action on this ok?
He nobs


After jimin and y/n left we started at each other
Jungkook: so what do we do?
we didn't get to talk to him
Yoongi: maybe he'll tell y/n or maybe she'll notice as well
Nam: yeah she knows him really well she'll notice
Jungkook: yeah but if nothing happens we should tell her or call him
Taehyung: yeah that's a good idea
Jin: let's wait if nothing happens today we'll do what jungkook says

We all agreed and went to our homes

It was about 8PM when we get a text from y/n
— group chat —
• y/n: hey guys so jimin told me what happened and that he didn't tell you but he's been batting a lot of hate comments specially talking about his weigh and his appearance so I was wondering if you could contact the agency so they could take action on this matter
• nam: yeah we'll contact them is he alright?
• y/n: not really he's been crying a lot but I'll talk to him and inform you
• tae: thank you y/n


Y/n: ok I they'll talk to the agency
Jimin: thank you y/n
Y/n: don't thank me baby it's the right thing to do -I said golfing his hand- umm baby I want to ask you have you eaten anything today?

He looks down

Y/n: oh baby you must be starving  
Jimin: do you think I'm fat?
Y/n: baby get this in your head YOU ARE NOT FAT you're perfect don't let those comments get to you baby -I said stroking his hair- now let's go I'll serve you some noodles 

We get to the kitchen and I serve him some noodles

Y/n: here honey try it is really good
Jimin: I'm not hungry baby
Y/n: babe you haven't eaten anything in a whole day I don't believe you I've seen you like this before and you didn't end up great
Y/n: ay least eat a little bit you don't need to eat the whole plate just a little
Jimin: could you give me the food I'll feel less bad if you give it to me
Y/n: yeah yeah here do you want more?
He nobs
Y/n: is it good?
Jimin: it's really good
Y/n: do you want to eat more?
He nobs again
We're halfway throw the plate and he still wants more
Y/n: more?
Jimin: yes I think I was really hungry after all -he laughs-
Y/n: see I know you really well
Jimin: you do know me -he kisses me-
Y/n: I love u baby if this ever happens again I want you to let me know it's not fair that you're suffering alone
Jimin: I promise you'll be the first one to know
Y/n: -I kiss him- do you want to finish the plate?

He nobs

He finish his dinner successfully
The next day he didn't have breakfast but I made him eat a little bit of lunch I don't force him to eat everything but at least have one or two meals a day of-curse always asking him if he wants more.

After two weeks he starts to eat the whole plate of lunch and dinner and the next week he's back eating all his meals and gets back on his normal weight.

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