He has a stomachache

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Warning: vomiting

Author POV

You woke up and didn't see jimin on the bed next to you.
You came out of bed and as you're walking towards the bathroom, you start to hear some coughing noises, you open the door and found jimin kneeling in front of the toilet

Y/n: heeeyy baby are you okay?? -you put your arm around his back and then take some toilet paper to wipe his mouth-
Jimin: -cough- yeah, it's just that my stomach feels kind of weird -he said as you help him sit on the floor-
Y/n: oh my poor thing -you hug him and rub his back-

He hugs you back, but after a few minutes he gets up and starts to throw up again, you pat his back and hold his hair back while telling him sweet things on his ear.
When he is done you help him to get into bed and then you go to the kitchen to brig a cup of water and some medicine for his stomachache .

Y/n: here baby take this
Jimin: thank you babe

As he's taking the medicine you check the time on your phone and it's 9 a.m

Y/n: jiminie do you want me to call the company and tell them your sick?
Jimin: no no I have to go to practice today, we have a concert in two week and I need to perfect my dance
Y/n: but baby, I don't think you're in a good condition to go to wo ...
Jimin: I'm going to be okay baby, don't worry.
He starts to get up and looks at your worried face and kisses you
Jimin: I'm gonna be okay, I'll call you if I need you.
Jimin gets ready an leaves.

Jungkook POV

Jimin got a little bit late to work today, he didn't look too good, he was really pale
Jk: hey jimissi!! What happened? You okay hyung??
Jimin: yeah jungkookie don't worry
Practice starts and I can still notice that jimin it's not okay, he keeps messing up and I know that all the members notice that he's not well.

Hobi POV

Since jimin came in I notice he was pale and during practice he kept messing up the coreo, he seemed out of breath
Jhope: okay guys let's take a break
Jhope: jiminie are you okay?
Jimin: yeah, it's just that my stomach it's bothering me a little bit but don't worry hyung
Jhope: you sure? If you don't feel so good you can go home it's okay
Jimin: no no hyung I'm okay I promise
Jhope: okay if you say so
Jhope: okay guys let's keep going

Author POV

Practice goes by an hour and jimin it's not looking any better.

Taehyung POV

We finish the coreo of ON and I notice jimin it's not okay at all
Taehyung: jiminah are you alright?
Jimin: not really, I thought my stomachache would settle down but it's getting worst
Taehyung: did you tell y/n?
Jimin: yeah she saw me throwing up in the morning
Taehyung: you threw up!! Why did you come to work??
Jimin: I thought I would get better
Taehyung: you should've stayed home!!
Jimin: I know even y/n told me to call the company and tell them, but I wanted to practice to be perfect for the concert
Taehyung: I know, but you should take care of your health too
Jimin: I know I'm sor...

Jimin stops as a wave on nausea hits him and he cover his mouth with his hands.
Taehyung noticed and took him to the bathroom.

Author POV

All the members were concerned
Jungkook who was watching jimin from the other side of the studio decides to follow them in the bathroom.
Jimin starts to vomit on the toilet and taehyung pats his back.

Jungkook: it's he okay?
Taehyung: i don't think so kookie, could you call y/n to pick him up? He needs to rest at home
Namjoon comes in the bathroom too and gives tae a water bottle for jimin
Taehyung: thanks hyung
Jimin it's done throwing up and tae gives him the bottle to drink some water
Taehyung: you okay??
Jimin nobs and rests his head on tae's shoulder
Jungkook comes back in the bathroom
Jk: I called y/n she's on her way


I was cleaning the apartment still worried about jimin.
I was cleaning the kitchen and suddenly got a call from jungkook
"Omg something happened to jimin" was my first thought, and I wasn't wrong
Jungkook: hey y/n
Y/n: hey jungkookssi what happend? It's jimin okay?
Jungkook: Nothing serious, but he's not good he just threw up and hasn't been doing so good in practice, could you come pick him up?
Y/n: yeah yes yes sure I'm going right now
Jungkook: okay thank you y/n
I ended the call and got into the car.

I get there and went in the dancing studio I saw jimin sitting down on the floor with his head on jin's shoulder and yoongi rubbing his back
I said hi to everyone and then took jimin home

On the car
Y/n: my poor thing, I told you that you should've stayed at home
Jimin: I know honey I'm sorry
Y/n: it's okay baby but next time please don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Jimin: yeah baby I promise
We get home and I helped him get to bed, I put a trashcan nest to the bed and went to the kitchen to make some soup.
Y/n: here jiminie take some soup
He sits in bed and eats the soup
Y/n: is it good?
Jimin: it's very good honey, thank you
Y/n: your welcome baby
He's done with the soup and as I stand up to get the bowl to the kitchen he stops me
Jimin: don't go please coddle with me
Y/n: your so cute, come here
I told him as I get into bed with him

We coddle for like 30 min and we fall asleep.

He didn't throw up for the rest of the day and his stomachache settled.

The next morning he was completely fine but the members told him to take the day off a rest.

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