
"You don't have to get on if you don't want to, Minho" Chan leaned closer to Minho to whisper as they stood in the line for the rollercoaster, holding Hannah's hand so the girl wouldn't wander away. "I'll go on with her, so you don't have to."

Minho shook his head, his eyes facing to the front with his arms hugging himself.

"No, the point of this is to spend time with her!" He whispered back, ignoring the way Bang Chan was incredibly close to him. "I want her to think I'm cool!"

Chan shook his head, placing his other hand on Minho's cap and gently stroking it.

"You don't have to do that so she thinks you're cool, you know?" He whispered back, now looking at Hannah who started pulling his hand.

"I want a sweet," she said, looking around in hopes to find a candy store.

"Hannah, if we move from the line we're going to loose our place" Chan said gently, smiling towards the little girl who already had a pout on. "We'll get sweets when we get do-"

He immediately got interrupted by Minho's hand in front of Hannah, holding a bag of m&m's. Hannah's eyes immediately light up as she took the sweets.

"Thank you Minmin!" She said, turning towards Chan with a triumphal smile. "We didn't have to get out of the line!"

Chan immediately turned to Minho, eyebrows raised.

"Really? Where did you even have them?" He asked, to which Minho pointed at his bags on his pants. His pants had pretty big bags, all of them zipped up so the candy wouldn't fall. "I'm trying to teach her patience..."

Chan mumbled, shaking his head and sighing, taking his hand down to Minho's shoulder, having had his hand up for a while made it tired.

"Not my problem, I don't have to raise her" he said, giggling and shrugging. "I'm here to spoil her"

Hannah started laughing, running until she was hugging Minho from the side, making him take his hand down to her head.

"I like him a lot!" Hannah said, raising her hand with the m&m's towards Minho. "Do you want?"

Minho nodded, placing his hand in front of Hannah who gave her some.

Minho immediately thanked her and then took his hand towards Chan.

"Do tou want?" He asked with a wide smile. Chan instead, rolled his eyes before grabbing one with the hand he used to have on Minho's shoulder.

"Thank you, Minnie" he smiled at Minho, to which Minho's blush only got brighter.


If rollercoasters weren't scary enough, Chan couldn't stand to be in the line behind Minho and Hannah without stressing his life out.

He knew Minho was deeply scared of heights, and so he couldn't hug him or hold his hand to comfort him, and now he kept on praying Hannah's seat was secure enough so she wouldn't fly away.

Reason why as soon as they got down the first thing he did was check up on both of them.

He knelt down in front of Hannah to see if she had any scratch on her, but as the girl kept on laughing like crazy and jumping around he got the confirmation that he should worry more about Minho.

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