What a great day to have cats

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The sound of a bell made Minho look up from his halfway-done sudoku. Two women chatting to each other and laughing got to the cash register.

"Good afternoon. What can I get for you?" Chan asked with a bright smile. Minho took his eyes down back to his book with a pout. Of course that smile would make those women blush as they did. He rolled his eyes as he stood up from their only chair and walked to the clean glasses to start with whatever coffee he had to start with.

"A caramel frappuccino..." They started and Minho already knew what to do. He started working on the order as he listened to them talk and just when he was doing the first one Chan came from behind him.

"Two orders." He announced, tossing Minho the ticket. He took it, carefully placing it somewhere it wouldn't get wet, and read it. After a few seconds, he nodded, placing the ticket where they would get their drinks picked up.

"Got it. Thanks."

Behind Minho, Chan nodded awkwardly, turning around to see what he could start doing, but being honest he didn't have a clue on how to make any of those drinks.

Once Minho placed one on the counter, Chan grabbed some courage to ask.

"So... how do you do that one? The one you're gonna do." He asked, pointing at the new glass to give the drink in.

It took him a second to recover his voice. He knew he had to teach Chan as the older employee there, but goddammit.

"You start with some Milk. Make sure it's enough for the whole drink. Doesn't matter if there's some left afterward," he started explaining, then he walked to another place where they had the coffees, not looking back to see if Chan followed him. "After putting it on the blender you put four pumps of mocha, then some java chips... They always order it how they want it exactly, just make sure to follow everything they say and you'll be alright."

He hurried his explanation, eyes fixed on anything he had in front of him. His hands started to tremble, the weight of Chan's eyes on him being too much for him to handle. He wasn't ready for it but he needed the money, so he kept on functioning however he could.

Surprisingly, he could do it perfectly. He made the drinks and could explain them as he made them. At some point, he realized Chan had a notebook on him in which he wrote down every order Minho gave him a recipe. Even when there was no one to attend, Chan would get closer to Minho to ask questions about the drinks.

He explained them perfectly and corrected the ones he noticed a mistake in.

It was almost as if nothing had ever happened.

The hours passed and while Minho completed his sudokus or the alphabet soups he found in his book of games Chan didn't bother him. He was grateful for it in silence, but something in him couldn't stand it.

He expected Chan to ask questions, to try and talk as the usual Bang Chan he knew would do.

Yet, nothing happened while they were on their shift.

While closing, Minho could feel a tingle running through his back and he couldn't know what it was about. Years before he would call it anxiety, but now he wasn't sure if it was that or the way of having Chan so close to him while the music went off when there were only four people in there. Chan and Minho were alone in the front.

He counted the tips and he wouldn't lie, in only one day the tips seemed to be a little higher than before... And the reason behind it was that man who kept on cleaning the tables while singing the songs that came up while doing a small dance.

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