I bet

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A warm fuzziness that kept a smile on his face the entire night.

What a perfect day for him. He wouldn't care if the tomorrow got ruined because that day many of his fantasies and dreams had become true.

He had spent an entire day with Chan, he had gotten to pamper Hannah with gifts, he got to know Chan's little brother and got to spend another day with Mrs. Bang and Mr. Bang, just like the old times.

Not to mention, his roommate had been weirdly kind to him since he got home.

Now both of them were sitting down at the table, Hyunjin and him just eating while talking about anything that happened to come in mind.

"How did it go today?" Hyunjin asked, getting some pasta on his mouth and talking at the same time. "You look over the clouds"

Minho smiled widely, nodding and shaking his legs a little bit under the table.

"Fine," he admitted, shrugging. As always, not a man of many words in the eyes of Hyunjin. Minho just never happened to find a way to actually say everything his heart was processing.

That's why, even in his happiest moments Minho wouldn't be able to say how happy he was without showing it first.

Hyunjin smiled, nodding and laughing softly.

"That's amazing to know," Hyunjin muttered. One thing about Hyunjin was that somehow he didn't need you to say anything for him to know everything.

Maybe that was the reason Minho seemed to appreciate his roommate a lot. He didn't need to explain himself in order for Hyunjin to understand him.

"Do you work tomorrow?" Hyunjin asked, to which Minho shook his head.

Hyunjin knew that a really good weekend was about to come with just that.

Minho was okay now. He had the perfect day that seemed to cure a bit of his younger self, and nothing of the tomorrow could fuck it up.

It would be just Minho and his little cloud for the rest of the weekend, and he was okay with it.


The next day he found what would become his misery through the entire day.

An old dairy he had written during his days with Minho had somehow randomly appeared while he cleaned his closet and now he had been an entire hour reading it and losing sighs.

He could notice all his stages during his relationship with Minho and he wasn't sure if that was exactly what he needed.

He had written everything Minho had done for him, with him and all the gifts the boy had given him during the first two years, and the third year suddenly there were less pages about Minho and more pages scribbled with random things that he now could tell were just him losing his mind.

While reading those pages, his heart had time traveled and suddenly he found himself missing Minho.

Minho always found ways to do his day better and his memory seemed to be perfect when it came to remember things he liked.

"I mentioned during our last date how much I liked AC/DC and today he gifted me a CD"

"I don't remember telling him, but apparently he knows how much I wanted that specific hoodie. How did he even get it?"

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