A pounding pain

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"That guy?" Jisung asked as he closed the fridge, a cold glass of water in his hands that he placed on the counter.

Chan nodded with his lips in a tiny line.

"Yeah, that guy. He's Minho's roommate," Chan clarified. He leaned against a wall and crossed his arms. His eyebrows went up as he shrugged. "What did you think about him?"

Jisung's nervous eyes ran through the kitchen as they placed later on Chan.


"Well... I was thinking-"

"No," Jisung raised his voice, shaking his head nervously. "Whatever it is, no."

"I didn't even say anything!" Chan raised his palms, claiming innocence though his laugh made Jisung's nerves shake.

"I can tell! Look, Channie." Jisung walked closer to Chan, placing a pointing finger in Chan's chest. "Look at him and then look at me."

Chan frowned, his eyes placing gently on Jisung's face.


"Come on! That dude was damn gorgeous!" Jisung pointed out, taking his finger to his face. "I look like a squirrel. I don't want to be the ugly one of a relationship. I refuse."

Chan shook his head in confusion, his frown making Jisung sigh.

"What are you talking about? You're pretty!" Chan took his palms down to his hips. "You wouldn't be the ugly one, come on. Hyunjin is gorgeous but that doesn't make you ugly."

Jisung walked back to his glass of water, taking a sip and then turning back to Chan.

"You gotta understand something. There's two types of people," Jisung raised two fingers, "The ones that choose and the ones that have to wait to be chosen. I fit in the second one. He fits in the first one."

Chan bursted out laughing, shaking his head.

"What are you talking about? Where did you get that from?" Chan crossed his arms again. "You could get anyone you wanted. Have more confidence on yourself, Sungie."

Jisung shook his head.

"He won't choose me. That's it, I have to be realistic. He looked like a prince." Jisung sighed, turning around.

"You shot your shot at Minho... I would say he fits in your first category". Chan said, walking towards Jisung and placed himself in front of him. "why wouldn't you do it with Hyunjin?"

Jisung shook his head.

"It's different."

"How so?"

"I didn't get to talk to Minho. Maybe he's the most gorgeous person out there, but If he rejected me I would under it." Jisung said, twitching his thumbs against each other. "I got to talk to Hyunjin and if he rejected me I would cry!"

Chan laded his head with a sigh.

"I don't understand you," he admitted, placing his hands on Jisung's shoulders and palming them gently "Jisung, you could get anyone you want to get, why would you say that?"

Jisung stared at Chan, his tired eyes and a raised brow made Chan let go of a gasp. Jisung clearly wasn't having whatever Chan was having that day.

"Just, no. Stop it, I'll wash the dishes today but stop it."

Chan let go of Jisung's shoulders, crossing his arms with a deep frown. There was something Jisung wasn't telling him, but he was no one to try and get him to spill it.

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