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"You are fucking kidding me!?" I yell, not knowing who at yet. "I-I'm sorry. Please don't call your mum." A first year pleaded with me. I just groaned an over exaggerated groan and walked off, a bottle of god knows what down my shirt.

Usually, something like this would be no biggie. However, I drank way, way too much last night while studying and was severely hungover. I don't like to use my wandless magic when I'm hungover or just sick in general. It's too unpredictable. I once tried to do my makeup with magic while hungover and ended up blowing up my bathroom.

"PANSY!" I yelled from down the hall as I saw her approaching. "Oh my god, Evelyn, what the fucking hell happened?"  "Some bastard first year spilled- I don't fucking know what down me and I can't use my magic! PLEASE, tell me you have your spare shirt on you."

She gave me a sympathetic look and said. "Yeah, always do. Here, I expect you get me another one when you can." She winked and walked away.

I raced to the girls bathroom, I would have gone to
Myrtle's deserted one but the public one was closest. I dashed into a stall, unbuttoning my shirt on the way in.

I was stood in the cubical, bare chested as the mystery liquid was on my bra too. The door flew open. I must've forgotten to lock the door, I was in too much of a hurry to check.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know someone was in here."
I covered myself up with my hands and quickly blurted out, "My fault, sorry. I must have forgotten to lock the door." I released one of my hands and shut the door. I put the blouse on and left the stall, checking the mirror.

It wasn't too obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra but I still buttoned up most of my buttons. My nipples were quite prominent; I guess I will just have to deal with the cat calling and staring today.

My next class was exhausting. My pounding head and the nausea wasn't helping matters. The bell was the best and worst sound to hear; it hurt my head but at least now I was free from the nightmarish lesson with Slughorn. I'm definitely going to skip whatever I have next.

On the walk to my dorm, I saw people huddled around in a circle, looking at something and giggling. I ignored it, thinking it was a love letter or some shit. The more I walked, the more giggling huddles there were. Like an idiot, I brushed them off and made it to my dorm.

I wasn't snuggled in my bed for 10 minutes before something had to interrupt me. Someone was knocking at my door. I had every intention of ignoring whoever it was until I heard what they said on the other side. "Evie! Come here, you need to see this." I was already up before I heard the full sentence. From the nickname, I knew it was Mattheo and he would never lie to me. Ever.

"What?" I said, answering my door.
"Look." He turned around a piece of paper and there I was. Bare chested, in the toilet cubical.
"What the fuck?!" I almost yelled. The dots started to connect in my head. I saw something around the girl's neck. I thought it was a weird necklace, but, no. A fucking camera. It was Belle. The head of the Hogwarts News Photographer's Club. Of course that bitch had a camera.

"They're everywhere." He said, concerned. I just barged past him, not caring if I was being rude. My anger bubbled in my chest. I felt like a ticking time bomb, bound to explode any second. I knew exactly why she would do this; A while back her boyfriend flirted with me. I initiated nothing. But, because of my 'reputation' she blamed me.

I practically sprinted through the halls. Ignoring the pictures, the people looking at them and the jeering comments that were being flown my way. I was ignoring my hangover, now. My eyes were scanning each corridor like a hawk.

My eyes finally landed on her. She was putting up a picture of me, tits out, on the wall near the exit to the quidditch field. I may not have my magic but I can fuck a bitch up without it. Hungover or not.

"You." I seethed. "What, it's not like everyone hasn't seen them before." This girls cocky attitude was driving me insane.

I wasn't there to argue. I was there to fight. I lunged at her grabbing her collar and smashing my fist across her face in one large arm movement. The momentum I got was insane, my knuckles ached after throwing that punch. She threw a light hit back, a bit off as she was a bit dazed. The big ring she was wearing cut my lip. I lifted my thumb to my chin and wiped the blood. I brought my thumb to my mouth and sucked the blood off, a slight smirk forming on my lips.

I pushed her to the floor and sat on her, straddling her to keep her down as she was fidgeting beneath me. I repeatedly collided my knuckles with her face. A huge crowd was surrounding us now, cheering. Belle was unable to stand when I lifted myself from her. I kicked her in the side repeatedly. Rage clouded my vision.

The crowd parted and Professors came to break up the fight. Snape pulled me by arm to lead me away from the chaos. "I know what Miss Cooper did was wrong. But violence is never the answer, Lestrange. Your actions could have lead to something fatal, do
you comprehend the dire consequences of the death of another student?" Dumbledore lectured me. I had to resist gloating that i'd killed a number of students.

"Yes, but, what she did was a complete invasion of privacy. I had every right to be fucking enraged."
"Yes, you did. But, violence is never the answer. As punishment, 8 weeks detention. Once she's awake, Miss Cooper will receive the same punishment. As well as being permanently banished from the Hogwarts News Photographer's Club." He explained.

The outcome was near enough satisfactory. A bitch in the hospital wing, a banishment and detention for her. I wish she was dead. I wish I gave her unrecoverable internal bleeding.

I sat in my bed, pondering. Pyjamas on, snacks and my favourite band blasting. I barley heard the knock on the door. I couldn't be arsed answering it so I just shouted from my bed, once I turned the music down.

In came all my friends. All came baring gifts; Mattheo brought me a family size bag of crisps and one of his shirts, Pansy brought me a new pair of fuzzy socks, Enzo brought me a pack of dinosaur plasters and some dark chocolate, Draco brought me a book i've said I wanted for months, Theo brought me a pack of cigs and Blaise brought me a new pair of PJ pants.

"Aww, guys, you're too sweet. Thank you so much." I rose from my bed and gave them all a group hug. I went to the bathroom and decked myself out in Mattheo's shirt, my new cat pyjama bottoms, my new fuzzy socks and a dinosaur plaster on my lip.

"Don't I look great?" I asked upon exiting the bathroom. Me and the gang were spread across my dorm with a cigarette and just talking, pigging out on snacks. Enzo was putting lots of dinosaur plasters on my knuckles as we talked
"Y'know, it was so cool when you wiped the blood of your chin!" Draco praised.
"Yeah, you barely let her get a hit in." Theo said.
The night continued like this until we all fell asleep, not worrying about tomorrow because it was finally the weekend.

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