Mattheo Fucking Riddle

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Another year is upon us. 17 years old and still in mother fucking school. I heard muggle school officially finishes at 16!  May I add, I already now all of the shit they're teaching because growing up to be a strong, powerful murderer for the Dark Lord himself, you learn way before the rest. I was trying the crucio curse at 4. Fucking 4!

I stop wallowing in misery of the thought of pointless lessons for an entire year and look up. You see, every year, a new set of annoying, too-happy, stupid little shit head first years come to Hogwarts. And for some god forsaken reason, the rest of the school has to sit and watch. Each one is at least 2 hours long. And if my maths is correct,(it most likely is not) that means i've wasted 14 hours of my life listening to an endless song of...
'SLYTHERIN' get the point. I was considering sleeping through the sorting ceremony when the old, wrinkly twat, Dumbledore spoke up.
"I've been informed that our new student has arrived. He will be sorted momentarily. After, the first years will continue their ceremony."His annoyingly loud voice bellowed through the great hall.

The call of sleep was replaced with the aching curiosity tickling my stomach. Who was this mysterious new student? We know one thing, this 'student' is a boy. That's good. A new thing to manipulate. Honestly, i'm tired of these lot- i've had them wrapped around my finger for 7 years. Maybe this one will be a little bit more of a challenge. Who knows?

The hall doors open with a loud sound, the suspense was in the air. The mysterious boy had arrived. I didn't have my glasses on (yes i wear glasses, call me Harry Potter) but I could recognise those chocolate curls anywhere.

Mattheo fucking Riddle.

The air in the room tightened. The confidence oozed from his presence. I swiftly snatched my large glasses from my robe pocket to be sure, and there he was. My thoughts were interrupted by the same wrinkly, old twat.
"Ah, Mattheo Riddle. Welcome!"

His head was turned to face Dumbledore but once he'd finished speaking, his eyes were wandering the great hall.

His eyes met mine. The boy who I had  grown up with was staring me in the face. A smirk grew on his lips as he turned away.

Soon after our little eye contact thing, he strutted up to the hat; pushing small first years out of his way.

Compared to the first years, he looked giant. At least 6 foot. He'd clearly done some growing since we were 10 years old. I was pretty tall my whole life, and still am. I'm 5,8 which compared to most girls at this school is pretty damn tall. Luckily, most of the boys are at least an inch taller. But Mattheo, looked huge, he towered over everyone.

The hat barley grazed his head before it yelled obnoxiously loud compared to how it did with the first years,
Merlin, I wish I hadn't drank so much last night.

He nodded to Snape and made his way to the slytherin table.
I had Blaise sat next to me and my bag at my side, taking up a spot.

"May I sit, Evelyn?" Mattheo asked me. I saw this as an opportunity. An opportunity to mess with him like old times.
"Who's that?" I replied, innocently. His cheeks flushed pink, embarrassment filling his expression. He fiddled with his fingers, just like he used to. "I'm just fucking with you, Matty." His face pulled a cute expression at the old nickname.
"Oh, thank god. I'm so glad to see you."

I moved my bag and he sat next to me. We talked a lot and reminisced old times. I pretended not to notice when his fingers brushed my thigh and ended up resting just below the hem of my skirt.

Once the ceremony was finally over, I took Mattheo to his dorm to unpack. I had a private dorm and the one opposite mine had been empty since the start of 6th year. I was delighted to find out that it was his dorm now.

I helped him unpack, took pictures with him and eventually, left to my dorm to let him settle in.

That night, my dreams were filled with a certain brown haired boy, adorable fantasies. Puberty really hit that one; his sharp jawline, his deep, sexy voice, his hight and don't get me started on his hands. Veiny and large. Perfect.

*Mattheo POV*

Once Evelyn left, I wandered my dorm. I can't believe I get to see her again. How did she get so pretty? When did her tits get so big? How come I like her even more than when we were kids? It's definitely the tits.

As much as I hate to admit it, that night, let's just say my dreams about a certain black haired girl were not PG.

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