Chapter 07: An Alternate perspective

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Charcadet pov
Five days ago

The day had started like any other. I had risen with the sun as most fire attribute pokemon and gotten into a brief battle with a Fuecoco and her master. As per usual the master appeared to be nothing special. Needless to say I was winning when Fuecoco's master attempted to capture me with one of the humans red and white PokeBalls. I burst out of the ball easily enough and proceeded to defeat the Fuecoco.
Upon defeat Fuecoco's master returned her to the PokeBall and fled the scene of the battle.
After the battle I began climbing the nearby mountain to reach the tree containing my favorite berry. Then the mountain shook and I was thrown off and fell very far down.
Landing was painful, incredibly painful. All I felt was pain as I called out, hoping someone would take pity on me but realizing I was all alone.
"Hey are you ok?" Asked a small human wearing a torn green hoodie. " I've probably got something in here if you're hurt."
  I gestured to my leg and arm that I had landed on even as the movement caused me pain and had me worrying that the human wouldn't have anything to help.
The human rummaged through his bag, talking all the while until he eventually pulled out two blue bottles with purple nozzles and began applying all the contents to my injuries which instantly began to look and feel better. While they still hurt, the pain from them was no longer unbearable.
A ringing from the humans direction snapped me out of my thoughts. As the human talked the voice coming from the device in his hand, I began to zone out until I noticed him heading closer to the entrance of a nearby cave. Walking towards him  I was able to catch the voice from his device saying "If you had a Pokemon I would tell you to try through the cave but without one it could be dangerous."
Looking at the boy's face I see the determination on it and came to the realization that he would attempt to go through the cave regardless of the warnings from the voice on his device.
  Interesting. Tending to my injuries had already put me in debt to the child but now to see a fire inside him that would push him far my decision was made.
I reached towards one of the PokeBalls on his belt  and determinedly stated " You don't need to worry about a lack of pokemon master."
"You want to be my pokemon? He asked in astonishment as though he didn't think himself worthy. " Are you sure?"
Any doubts I had were erased with that last question and I swiftly answered with a yes. The boy said something into the phone and then held out his arm with a PokeBall in it.
{What a thoughtful master making sure this is what I want by offering me the choice to become his pokemon rather than throwing the ball at me.} I thought as I reached up and gently pressed my fist into the center and then a peaceful silence and sensation came upon me. Only for it to abruptly end as the world immediately came back into focus all at once as I reemerged from the ball.
" Guess I should introduce myself now that we're partners." The child said, " I'm Liam Saterr."
I introduced myself despite knowing that he perceived pokemon communication as nothing but our names. He reached out with his fist closed and looked at me, realizing he wanted to perform the touching of fists to indicate the newly forged bond between us I obliged as we entered the cave.
Unfortunately our journey back up to the surface was off to a rocky start. Two passages undistinguishable by appearance prevented us from moving forward lest we take the wrong one and end up lost. My new master directed me to stand in front of each passage for about two minutes and then declared that the one on the right was the one leading to the surface.
  Confused I questioned him and was pleasantly shocked when he explained the way the flame on top of my head had moved to indicate a breeze as if he had understood me. Eventually we reach a cavern with many earth spikes protruding from the ground. As we made our way through the cavern a Houndour howl caught our attention. Turning to face the threat I heard "Charcadet use fire spin," and immediately I obeyed and watched as the Houndour simply charged through the vortex of fire and launched ember at me. I stand there despite my master's frantic call for me to evade. After all why dodge what can't hurt you? The fire collided with me and did nothing even as I felt my strength increasing as it always did when I was hit with a fire move. A second passed before my master called for me to use flame charge with a smile on his face. Cloaking myself in flames I slammed into the Houndour that had dared to challenge me and my master. It bounced off one of the earthen spikes and fell to the floor. It quickly turned and ran after that. After a bit of walking we made it to the exit.
Three days ago

Life with a master was different. My master had introduced me to his parents who after fawning over us about how brave we were for making it through the cave had taken us to a house that apparently was not their permanent residence.
Dealing with my master's parents was weird unlike my master they didn't seem to understand me which was a trait that had been repeatedly displayed over the past couple of days. They were however pleasant enough humans especially his mother who would occasionally give me delicious treats.
Master seemed to enjoy looking at the bound papers with the hard covers. Occasionally though when he would take me outside to train he would show me an image on one of the papers and describe what he wanted me to do in order to get the results that were being shown.
Sometimes when I got bored, I would rest inside my PokeBall. Which is what I was doing for most of today when I was forced to emerge from it. My master informed me that we were taking a walk along the beach. This was his preferred way to kill time, walk to the beach and then sit in a particular shaded clearing he'd found until he deemed enough time had passed for him to go back inside.
As we approached the clearing I noticed that there was already a crying female human occupying it. As my master approached the girl I saw a Sprigatito looking at him with weariness. Getting Sprigatito's attention I conveyed that my master wasn't a threat to her human. When my master challenged the Sprigatito's human to a battle I was surprised at first. He seemed too kind to battle someone who was in tears mere moments ago. As the battle went on and the mood of Sprigatito's human noticably improved, I realized he was using the battle to distract her from whatever she was thinking about before we arrived. Of course we ended up winning the battle. As we left after tending to the mine and Sprigatito's injuries we left the clearing as Sprigatito's human called after us saying she'd win tomorrow.
Present day

It had been two days since the first battle with Sprigatito's human. Battling her seemed to have become a daily occurrence since the first battle, even though she had yet to win. It was still good practice and she was an admittedly talented trainer. Doubtlessly had she encountered me in the wild I would have lost by now but my master proved to be a gifted strategist and seemed to always be just one step ahead of her thought process often calling out a move designed to counter whatever tactic the girl was simultaneously calling out from the opposite side of the field.
Today was different though as Master and his family all gathered their bags and left the house.
" Come on Charcadet," came my master voice, "I can't wait to show you our house in the Hoenn region."
I nodded realizing that we were heading to my master's home. Though his voice sounded enthusiastic he seemed uncertain. We then proceeded to board an airplane as my master called it. Which began flying us to our new home.
Midway through the flight, master turned towards me and started talking.
" So Charcadet while I don't yet have the item needed to let you evolve." He started off. "I was wondering which form you'd like to take when the time finally comes to evolve. You know assuming you even want to evolve."
He placed the two pictures of Armarouge and Ceruledge in front of me.  I looked at both pictures, honestly the possibility of evolution hadn't occurred to me given how rare it was to stumble upon a set of armor steeped in wishes or malice. I shrug and point at him to indicate he should decide. As always my master seemed to understand what I meant. "How about Ceruledge then?" He asked, " it is supposed to be the faster of the two."
  "Very well." I say.
Our conversation was interrupted by his parents rushing both of us over to a window where we saw  the Hoenn region.

Author's Note:

Well how'd you guys like that? The previous chapters events from Charcadet's pov. I wanted to highlight the bond between Liam and Charcadet while also moving the story forward a little bit.

Still taking suggestions for Liam's team. Ceruledge, Sobble and Beldum are the confirmed members. I have some ideas but i would love get some suggestions mainly because I can't remember every pokemon that exists and while team balance isn't super important there's lots of interesting strategies that can be created with various pokemon and I'm curious to know what you readers may want to see.

Next chapter: Hoenn and it's Champion.

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