Chapter 02: Starting out part 1

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Liam Saterr's pov

I could hardly contain my excitement as I bolted up the stairs. I rushed towards my luggage and began digging through it trying to find a suitable outfit for potentially meeting my first pokemon. After all first impressions probably matter as much to pokemon as they do to people. It wouldn't do, to not look presentable for such an occasion. It took ten minutes of deciding before I settled on a red hoodie and some grey cargo shorts. Then I went into the bathroom and as I was setting everything down I finally caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
I looked mostly the same as when I was around six. My brown hair was perhaps a shade lighter than it was in my original body but it still laid relatively flat and was cut short just as I preferred. My eyes on the other hand had changed from hazel to a kinda cobalt blue which seemed to match my new Father's eyes. My skin tone however seemed to be closer to my new mother's and had a moderate tan to it.
Realizing that I was wasting time staring at myself in the mirror {totally not having some image issues or a profound sense of wrongness looking at my reflection's eyes} , I realized the red hoodie would clash with my eyes so I walked back to my luggage and grabbed a green hoodie instead. After showering and changing out of my pajamas I headed downstairs to meet up with my new parental units after grabbing my phone off the counter.
"Ah Liam you finally ready?" My father asked as he pulled out a large metal briefcase and put it on a nearby table. " I've got some special gear we've been working on at Devon to help you out."
{And all of the sudden that weird D logo made since. The Devon corporation of course, how did I not realize it earlier?}
"Of course I had to clear, borrowing this stuff with Mr. Stone," my Father continued, "But he didn't mind letting one of his department heads field test some of the equipment they developed to help out their son."
"Yes dear we get that you're still over the moon about your recent promotion," my Mother interrupted "but I think if we keep him waiting too much longer he may spontaneously combust"
Which was totally unfair, I mean I was very interested in hearing about my new Father's promotion but not right now I suppose.
"Anyhow I got some helpful gear for you to use." father continued as he snapped open the case, " The first of which is this radar device. Which can detect pokemon movements around you, while it can't yet show you which pokemon is moving it can tell you the number of pokemon in the area and which way they are moving."
He handed me a sleek silver tablet about the size of an ipad and explained how to turn it on and off. And then moved on to the next item in the case which was a set of goggles that had a nifty zoom function that would let them function similar to binoculars. The third and final item in the case was a special belt designed to hold PokeBalls and be exceptionally durable.
"Now you're going to need some pokeballs and a good bag to store everything in," said my mother as she pulled out a messenger bag from a nearby closet. " This one is very sturdy and can hold everything you'll need for now. In it is two PokeBalls in case your first attempt fails and some other essential items such as potions and food for both you and whatever pokemon you end up with."
After handing me the bag she opened the door and beckoned me out to follow her. I noticed that she had a similar bag slung over her shoulder and guessed that that must be where she was keeping her gear for this minor expedition.
"Alright lets head out," My mother declared as my new family began excitedly marching out to the first wild area.

IntersectingJourney Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang