Chapter Twenty Six

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  • מוקדש ל Dad

Emma’s P.o.v

We parked outside the restaurant and barged inside to see Jack next to Mack, his hand on his chin, drooling at table number 2. It was a funny sight but it did awe me for a second there.

“Oh she’s hot” Adam disturbed my thought process and I turned to look at him shocked.

“She’s under -aged” I rolled my eyes and walked to Jack.

“How you doing Em?” Mack smiled at me, while he cleaned the usual beer glasses.

“I’m fine and you?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Hot as usual” he grinned.

“That’s good to hear” I smiled, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Whoah, I think your under – aged for him now!” Brody spoke in between.

Mack cracked up a smile and my cheeks turned red. “Shut up you idiot” I slapped my bag to his head and walked to Jack who was still deeply staring at the blonde girl at the table.

“So I figured you’d have a thing for blonde’s bro” I laughed grabbing his attention finally.

“Ya… she has the prettiest hair ever in the whole wide world and I’ve the dirtiest blonde hair in the whole wide world, we’d make great babies” he smothered me with his new fantasy talks.

“Babies? Hold on, I gotta get married first before you start making babies Jack” I grinned and he shook his head irritated.

“Hi, I’m Adam, I will be working with your sister for the Roman wedding” he smiled shaking Jack’s hand.

“Roman wedding?” Jack raised his eyebrow.

“Ya, I came here to tell you and dad about the project… thought maybe we should have discusseditoverdinner, but my stupid translator can’t keep his fucking mouth shut” I looked at Adam really angry for what he just did.

“Opps.. haha sorry” he bit his tongue.

“Whatever, so Jack, what do you want me to go tell his girl..

“Sara” he added.

“Right, perfect, Sara, what do you want me to tell her?” I asked him.

“I don’t know!! If I knew wouldn’t I have already done it? Why do you think I’d call my sister to attract a girl? Girls know what impresses other girls don’t they?!” he panicked.

“Okay… if I may, let me do this one for you Jack” Adam winked at him.

“Why?” I looked at Adam irritated.

“Let’s just say, I’m awesome when it comes to women… and I owe you one for telling your brother about the project before you had time to discuss it with your family. So allow me” he bowed down to Jack and me, gracefully.

He grabbed Jack’s spare apron, tied it around his waist, ordered a strawberry smoothie from Mack and started to walk with the glass in a tray to the table where ‘Sara’ was sitting.

Jack and I watched him like it was a movie and Mack too stopped for a minute to check out Adam’s moves.

“Sara?” Adam asked and the little blonde girl replied, “Yes?”

“This lovely, cold, sweet, smoothie is for you Sara, from that hot guy out there called Jack. He’s the owners son, and it’s from him” Adam winked and placed the drink in front of her.

Turning around quickly he walked all the way back to us and returned Jack his apron.

“Did you just tell her I was hot?” Jack looked like he was in shock.

“Yea…” Adam began smirking confidently.

“It sounded gay” I told him and sat on the bar table.

“Well it worked. Look she’s waving out to him and smiling” Adam pointed out and he was right.

Her attention was totally drawn to Jack and he returned the wave back.

I pulled Mack’s cloth from his shoulders and smacked Jack hard with it.

“Ow, what the hell was that for?” he rubbed his arm and looked at me irritated.

“Stop acting so enchanted by her. Get some control of yourself you idiot” I told him and he nodded.

Around half an hour later my father came out of the kitchen and Adam and I discussed the Roman wedding with him, that’s when Sara got up from her table and told her friends to wait outside for her.

She walked towards where Jack stood and handed him a piece of paper and gave him a kiss on his cheek, then she ran out of the restaurant quickly before Jack could react.

As soon as she was out of sight, Jack started to shout and dance and sing, he screamed, “I got her number!!, I got her number!!” all over the restaurant, which got him some disturbed looks from everybody.

As I watched him dance, Adam shrugged his shoulder showing off his skills and this time I borrowed Mack’s cloth to smack Adam on the face.

“Everything’s going to be alright dad, don’t you worry” I told him once our discussion about the wedding was done.

“I know I trust you, I guess I’m just tired today” he smiled and patted my face gently.

“Ya, I know” I smiled, looking at his tired, red eyes.

“You kids head home now, it’s already so late” he told us and Adam and I agreed.

We said our goodbyes to everyone at the restaurant and walked to Adam’s car, getting in and reaching home in no time thereafter.

Once we got home, I directly went into my room and crashed over my bed, wondering what was I going to wear for the New Year’s party which was a day away.

Staring at the ceiling, before my eyes could shut completely my phone started to ring.

One looked at the caller and my eyes brightened up. I picked up the call and answered.

“Oh my god Mia, I’ve missed you so much”



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