Sweet Drowning Memories: Act 2

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Tiga looked around at all the other women in this large fancy prison cell.

The look of it calmed her somewhat, but the bars at the entrance gave her a lot of anxiety. Though, even if she was calm, it's unlikely she'd noticed how the women divided themselves into two groups.

One-half were adamant about trying to escape, to fight against becoming some bride to some old man.

The other group was for it. Either because they wanted to be royalty, they had given up all hope, or Stockholm syndrome had taken hold.

Girl: Wow... Are those ears and that tail real?

Tiga: Oh? Yeah...

Girl: What's your story?

Tiga: Oh... Well... You see.

Tiga: I'm trying to become the greatest Martial artist through my own original style.

Tiga: This led me to fight tough guys across several islands.

Tiga: I then met this guy, who punched me into a tree. Then got me out, and since he was planning on fighting some "imperor".

Tiga: I thought this was a good opportunity to fight strong people and I was right.

Tiga: But I got trapped in ice cream. And now here. Where I met you and I explained all this stuff.

Tiga: Where are we?

Girl: The Emperor's dungeon.

Tiga: D-dungeon!? How do we get out!?

Girl: You don't...


(Opening Theme)

(Years ago...)

Tiga: Oof!

Shoved into a hole, a tiny young Tiga, tied up in chains, looked up to see bandits cover the hole with a cell bar lid.

There she sat for weeks, eating scraps tossed down.

The bandits planned on selling her. But when they were driven off, she was left to rot.

She only became free when an old person found her and fished her out.

(Present day)


Girl: Are you okay...? I know this is hard, but if we stick together-

Walking over to the entrance with an expression of total panic, Tiga grabbed the bars and began to pull.

Tiga: Hugh!

The bars bent at her might. Once there was a whole big enough, Tiga slipped out and wiped the sweat off her brow, and sighed with relief.

Tiga: Phew...!

Tiga: Much better...

She turns to the other women still in the cell, staring at her with shock.

Tiga:(waves) Bye-bye!

Dashing away, Tiga could hear the screams of the women who tried to be first out of the cell.

Tiga:(mind) Time to find that axe guy and beat him up!

Tiga:(mind) Then that ice cream lady. Gotta find her... And beat her up!

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