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The restaurant exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, the perfect backdrop for their date. Guided to a private seat, Carlos and Valentina settled in, their anticipation palpable. As they perused the menu and placed their orders, the conversation flowed seamlessly, a gentle current carrying them through an array of topics.

"So, tell me about your life, your profession," Carlos inquired, his tone genuinely curious.

Valentina smiled, her eyes lighting up as she shared a glimpse into her world. "Well, I've always been drawn to dentistry. It's a way to help people while also indulging in my scientific side. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, and painting, and I'm a bit of a foodie. Exploring new restaurants like this one is definitely a treat."

Carlos listened attentively, his interest evident. "That's impressive. You have quite the range of interests."

As the conversation continued, Valentina turned the spotlight back on him. "And what about you, Carlos? Racing seems like a demanding profession."

He leaned back thoughtfully, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "It definitely is. But I've loved motorsports since I was a kid. The adrenaline rush, the competition—it's like nothing else. And when you're driving for a team like Ferrari, the stakes are even higher."

Valentina nodded, intrigued by his passion. "It must be an incredible feeling, being out on the track."

Carlos's gaze met hers. "It's an indescribable mix of focus, exhilaration, and, yes, sometimes fear. But it's where I feel most alive."

As their conversation flowed, Valentina took a sip of wine, enjoying its rich flavours. She noticed Carlos abstaining from drinking and raised an eyebrow in playful inquiry. "No wine for you?"

He chuckled softly. "Not tonight. I want to be completely present for this evening."

As their meal came to a delightful conclusion, Carlos gazed at Valentina with a warm smile. He had learned from Kika about Valentina's romantic expectation of sharing her favourite dessert with a date, and he was determined to make this moment memorable.

Carlos leaned in with a gentle smile. "Share a cheesecake with me?" he asked, his tone carrying a touch of warmth.

Valentina's eyes widened in pleasant surprise, her heart skipping a beat at the thoughtful gesture. "Yeah, sure. Please, let's do that," she replied, her voice reflecting a mix of genuine appreciation.

The offer to share the cheesecake felt like a small window into Carlos's thoughtful nature, a glimpse of his effort to make their date memorable and to understand her in a way that went beyond the surface. It was a moment that felt both pampering and genuine, a perfect reflection of the connection they were forging.

Post-dinner, Carlos took the wheel once again and drove Valentina to a star-gazing spot. The gesture wasn't lost on her – he had learned about her love for stars, a detail that made her admiration for him grow even more. As they arrived at the tranquil location, he turned to her with a smile.

"I heard you like stars. Let's look for some constellations, shall we?" he suggested.

Valentina's heart warmed at the thoughtfulness behind his words. "I'd love that," she replied with a soft smile.

They settled down on a blanket that he had thoughtfully brought along. Lying back and gazing up at the night sky, Valentina felt a sense of peace and wonder envelop her. The stars sparkled above like diamonds scattered across a velvet canvas. She pointed out constellations and began to share stories about their backgrounds, drawing him into the magic of the night.

"There's Orion," she began, tracing the hunter's outline with her finger. "In ancient mythology, Orion was a great hunter. And those three stars in a row make up Orion's belt."

Carlos listened intently, his gaze shifting between the stars and her animated expressions. "And that group over there?" he asked, pointing to another cluster.

Valentina's smile widened as she looked at the constellation he was indicating. "That's the Big Dipper or Ursa Major. It's one of the most recognizable constellations in the northern hemisphere. People have been using it for navigation for centuries."

As the night unfolded, they continued to identify constellations, sharing stories and laughter under the twinkling sky.

Under the starry night sky, the atmosphere seemed charged with a certain kind of magic. Carlos turned his gaze from the stars to Valentina, his eyes holding a mix of sincerity and hope.

"I would love to go on a second date," he confessed, his words soft yet filled with a genuine desire.

Valentina met his gaze, her heart warmed by his straightforwardness. She took a moment to consider, then spoke with honesty and a touch of vulnerability. "Then let's go on a second date, Carlos."

His smile brightened at her response, but she continued, her voice sincere. "But I would like it if we take this slow. You know, whatever this is going to be between us, it'll take time for me to fully open up too."

Carlos nodded, his understanding evident. "Of course, Val. Let's keep it casual, take it as slow as you want. As long as you're comfortable and want this, I'm completely fine. We have a lot of time ahead."

Valentina's eyes sparkled with a mixture of appreciation and a sense of promise. "Yes, we have a life ahead," she agreed. 

TWIN FLAME , Carlos Sainz Jr.Where stories live. Discover now